
Why Feminine Rejuvenation isn’t as Widely Talked About as Botox

Why Female Rejuvenation Is Not Mainstreamed | RefinedMD

Why Feminine Rejuvenation isn’t as Widely Talked About as Botox

Most people have heard of Botox and have a good understanding of what it is, even if they’ve never had it themselves—why isn’t this the case with feminine rejuvenation? RefinedMD specializes in a wide range of procedures, including feminine rejuvenation for both aesthetic and medical purposes. Botox has become so mainstream, and it’s akin to getting a manicure to look and feel better. However, because feminine rejuvenation is associated with the genitals, it’s simply not openly talked about as much. That’s unfortunate because it can vastly improve a woman’s life.

Some people might think feminine rejuvenation is “just” to improve the appearance of the labial lips. That can be part of feminine rejuvenation, and for many women that can lead to a big increase in confidence and a better sex life. However, feminine rejuvenation can also help with a variety of medical conditions.

Stress incontinence is a common complaint, particularly for women who are post-partum. They might wear panty liners on a daily basis or worry about their stress incontinence causing embarrassment. Tightening key groin areas via feminine rejuvenation can reduce and even completely eliminate stress incontinence. However, few women know about this benefit. Instead, they resign to “just live with it” or are given outdated advice.

Laxity in the vaginal canal can also be embarrassing to discuss. It’s especially common for postpartum women or as women age (laxity in all skin areas is simply part of getting older). However, you can increase your confidence and better your sex life with feminine rejuvenation to tighten the area.

San Jose Feminine Rejuvenation Experts – Meet RefinedMD

Unfortunately, it’s no surprise that people are quick to talk about Botox, which is commonly used in the face, but are standoffish when it comes to feminine rejuvenation. Anything to do with sexual regions and sex can be a topic that’s considered discreet. This means many women are missing out on a simple and effective tool to treat a variety of complaints. Schedule your feminine rejuvenation consultation today by calling RefinedMD at (408) 688-2082.