27 Aug How many burns have you had this summer?
How many burns have you had this summer? Or maybe you’re enjoying the bronze of a July tan—either way, burns, and tans are signs of sun damage, and RefinedMD is committed to helping you prevent this dangerous annual tradition. The good news is that a lot of people understand that all sun damage increases your risk for skin cancer and premature aging (which means the era of baby oil in the sun and tanning beds is slowly creeping to a close). However, in regions like Arizona, those lacking excess melanin often crave a golden glow and an even higher number of people still aren’t as diligent with their sun protection as they should be.
The correct way to apply your sunscreen
It’s not surprising that sun damage spikes in the summer, although in our part of the country it’s a serious threat year-round. One of the most challenging parts of sun damage prevention isn’t wearing sunscreen, but correctly reapplying it. Sunscreen should adequately cover all areas of skin exposed to the sun and should be liberally reapplied every 75 minutes. That’s nearly every hour, and the vast majority of people don’t keep that schedule. Setting a reminder during daylight hours can help, as can paying special attention to areas that are often ignored, including the nose and eyelids.
Another issue is not using the right kind of sunscreen or the right strength. You need protection from both UVB and UVA rays, so a broadband sunscreen is a must. Make sure it’s not expired, and consider an SPF of at least 25 for moderate protection. If you partake in the area’s incredible summer water sports, you’ll also want to make sure it’s water-resistant and that you never miss a reapplication.
Other ways to protect yourself from sun damage
If you know you won’t stick to such a tight schedule, choosing to cover up with wide-brimmed hats, loose long-sleeved clothing, and sunglasses also works. It can quickly get cool once the sun goes down in the desert, so layering is a natural style choice in Arizona. It can also help you keep more of your skin covered, doubling as a safeguard from the sun.
RefinedMD is here for you, schedule your skin check today
However, the best sun damage help of all is working with a dermatologist. Schedule your annual skin check, an appointment to discuss sunscreen options, or a consultation to find out the many ways RefinedMD can help treat existing sun damage issues, from wrinkles to hyperpigmentation.