
Madonna’s “Massive Booty” is Implants: Choose Emsculpt Instead

Choose Emsculpt Instead! | RefinedMD, Los Gatos + San Jose

Madonna’s “Massive Booty” is Implants: Choose Emsculpt Instead

Madonna’s surprise New Year’s Eve performance was quickly overshadowed by what appeared to be either horrible butt pads or butt implants gone wrong. It is the kind of cringe-inducing sight that has savvy patients contacting RefinedMD for the natural, surgery-free Emsculpt solution. Getting a larger, shapelier booty has been a top priority for many people in recent years, but there are good and bad ways to go about it.

Emsculpt forces the glutes (or abs) into 20,000 perfectly executed submaximal contractions in just 30 minutes. Most clients benefit from four sessions in two weeks followed by maintenance sessions every six months. It is the equivalent of 20,000 squats/lunges per session without any effort or sweat. The result? Your natural, lifted, larger booty without any risks or downtime.

However, some people are still opting for surgical solutions. According to Hollywood Life surgeons, Madonna is probably one of them. There’s a chance Madonna may have been sporting butt pads, but if that’s not the case, the only possibility is surgery—and poorly done surgery at that.

Patients who do not have enough fat in other areas of their body are not candidates for the Brazilian Butt Lift (a procedure that transfers the patient’s own fat into the buttocks). These patients might then choose implants similar to breast implants. Unsurprisingly, this can go very wrong, which is why most cosmetic surgeons do not even offer this option. It is never a good idea to put your entire body weight on saline or silicone implants.

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A less dangerous risk is to have results like Madonna’s. A booty that is unnatural looking because it is substantially too large for a person’s frame can happen with surgery. Plus, there are many risks associated with an elective surgery from infections to anesthesia issues. For those looking for a natural shapelier backside, Emsculpt is the safe choice. Contact RefinedMD for your Emsculpt consultation today.