08 Feb 3 Common Skin Issues that Get Mistaken for One Another
Acne, rosacea, and psoriasis are three common skin issues that get mistaken for one another—which leads to a frustrating cycle for some patients. RefinedMD specializes in both medical and cosmetic dermatology, which is critical since oftentimes a medical concern comes with cosmetic symptoms! For example, acne is a very common condition that most people struggle with at some point in their life. It’s so common that most people don’t realize it’s a real medical condition and, in severe cases, can cause permanent scarring and impact self-esteem and social lives.
However, treating and preventing active acne is just part of the equation—to be specific, that’s the medical dermatology part of the problem. When acne does leave scars and dark spots, it becomes a cosmetic concern, too. The only way to effectively treat the signs that acne leaves behind is with in-office treatments, sometimes combined with medical-grade skin care products. A chemical peel, laser or light energy treatment, and an at-home product with high concentrations of active ingredients like hyaluronic acid are all options to get rid of signs of acne for good.
Red, Itchy, Flaky Skin
Rosacea and psoriasis are also common conditions. There’s no “cure” for these two diseases, but they can certainly be managed with medical dermatology intervention. Rosacea presents as blushing and flushing well beyond what one might expect when something embarrassing happens. Psoriasis also presents as red patches, but is also accompanied by itchy and flaky skin. It’s caused by a build-up of dead skin cells on the surface, and the disease is especially common on the knees, trunk, and elbows.
As you can imagine, diseases and disorders with patches of red skin—including acne, rosacea, and psoriasis—can be mistaken for a lot of things. There are more than 3,000 skin conditions, so it can be tough for a non-professional to diagnose right. Consider this a reminder of why it’s important to always see a dermatologist whenever you notice something strange happening with your skin. It’s the best, safest, and most immediate way to get a correct diagnosis and treatment.
Help is available for any skin condition. Even if you’ve had a diagnosis in the past, remember that skin changes and that some diseases look very similar. It’s also perfectly feasible to have more than one skin condition at a time. Your skin is the largest organ you have and it requires routine care and check-ups to keep it safe and healthy.
Is This Skin Cancer, or…
Wait, can redness really be a sign of skin cancer? Sometimes, yes. Although moles that don’t follow the ABCDEs of skin cancer are the most common sign of skin cancer, moles aren’t the only thing to keep an eye on. An annual “skin check” with your dermatologist is a must for everyone, regardless of skin color or history of sunburns. Every skin cancer type has a good chance of being easily treated when caught early, including the deadliest form of skin cancer, melanoma. At-home checks on a monthly basis can help a great deal, especially if you have someone to help you check hard to reach place, but nothing replaces an annual skin check with your doctor.
This is especially true because sometimes skin cancer doesn’t follow the protocols you’ve been taught. Sometimes skin cancer doesn’t appear as a mole at all. It might look like a dry patch of skin, especially on the lips. Remember that skin cancer can happen anywhere on the body, but it’s especially common in areas that are routinely exposed to UV rays and unprotected. Areas like the lips and the eyelids are vulnerable, but due to the unique skin in this area, skin cancer might not look like what you expect.
Caring for Your Skin
A lot of people only see a dermatologist when a skin condition has become so bad that it’s unbearable. That’s a mistake. Whether it’s acne, skin cancer, or something else, you and your skin deserve treatment as soon as possible. See your dermatologist at least as often as you see your dentist and your skin will thank you. Schedule your annual mole check or a complimentary consultation for cosmetic services at RefinedMD today by completing our online form or booking on our website.