29 Jan Do You Struggle with One of the 4 Most Common Dermatological Conditions?
Acne is the top dermatological issue around the world, and even though a lot of people consider treating acne as “cosmetic,” it’s actually a genuine medical condition. RefinedMD offers a wide range of treatments for all types and severities of acne, allowing you to finally get this embarrassing (and sometimes painful) condition under control. Most over-the-counter and home remedies only work for very mild acne, and these solutions aren’t always guaranteed.
The Academy of Dermatology reports that mild and moderate acne affects up to 50 million Americans. We often think of acne as being a teenage problem, and that’s because changing hormones can exacerbate acne. However, any adolescent or adult can get acne, and it affects 20 percent of adults between the ages of 25 and 44. Acne is caused when the oil from glands on the face mix with dead skin cells to block hair follicles or pores. This blockage allows bacteria to brew, and leads to a breakout.
However, there are additional factors that can make acne worse. In addition to changing hormones, genetics and environmental factors can contribute to acne. Stress and issues like dirty phones or unwashed yoga mats are also potential triggers. There are six types of acne including the common whiteheads and blackheads as well as papules, pustules, nodules, and cysts. Excessive face-washing won’t stop acne (and neither will cutting out chocolate from your diet). To comprehensively treat acne, you may require laser skin treatment, DermalInfusion, or professional extraction. Microneedling can help reduce acne scarring, while opting for chemical peels is a more aggressive approach towards the same result.
Beyond Acne – Meet Rosacea
Rosacea is another common skin condition that causes redness on the face and affects about 14 million Americans. The flushing can be severe and look ruddy as blood vessels become more visible. Although rosacea is usually on the face, it can sometimes appear on the neck, chest, or back. When rosacea affects the eyes, it can cause irritation, watery eyes, and give a bloodshot appearance. Rosacea on the nose can make it look bulbus and swollen, a condition called rhinophyma.
Nobody knows what causes rosacea, but every person with the disorder has their own triggers. Some studies have shown a genetic link, and those with fair skin who are prone to blushing are most prone to rosacea. It’s also been noted that women tend to have it more than men. While there’s no cure, there are dermatological therapies that can help reduce the symptoms of rosacea, such as laser skin treatments.
Itchy and Scratchy
Eczema is an irritating condition affecting 31.6 percent of people in the US. It comes in varying degrees and often presents as itchy, cracked, rough, and red skin. Sometimes blisters accompany eczema. Eczema is caused by an issue with the immune system (though not a dangerous one). Childhood eczema is sometimes outgrown, while others will struggle with it for life if they don’t get proper dermatological help.
Eczema is triggered by certain foods, environmental factors like pollen, and the symptoms can vary person to person. Just like rosacea, there’s no cure for eczema but there are treatments. The goal is to soothe and heal damaged skin while relieving symptoms. Treatments may include medical-grade topical ointments, laser rejuvenation, and more.
Where’s the Glow?
Finally, melasma is a relatively common condition that fortunately usually goes away on its own—but a dermatologist can help speed up the process. Nearly every person affected by melasma is a woman, and it’s particularly common in pregnant women. Melasma is a type of hyperpigmentation that can look tan, gray, or brown. It often affects the eye area, which is how it earned its nickname the “mask of pregnancy.”
Nobody knows what causes melasma, but both sun exposure and pregnancy can bring it on. Those with darker skin are also at a higher risk. It’s a stubborn type of hyperpigmentation, but its appearance can be safely reduced (even for moms to be). However, the exact approach will depend on you, your skin, and the severity of the melasma.
No matter what type of skin condition you’re struggling with, know that these are real medical conditions that deserve proper treatment. Schedule your consultation with RefinedMD today by calling (408) 688-2082.