Peels and Facials

What’s the difference between a peel and a facial? At RefinedMD, we’ve found that many clients use the terms interchangeably, but that isn’t technically correct. Yes, both of these non-invasive procedures require the treatment be applied to the full face (and/or other areas, such as...

These two terms can be confusing because the treatments are often performed in the same appointment—but they couldn’t be more different. In short, a peel removes things from the skin while a facial applies products to it. At RefinedMD, we exclusively offer the best, professional-grade...

Chemical peels are ultimately a form of exfoliation that also encourages collagen production. They are just what they sound like: chemical concoctions that peel away (exfoliate) the top layer or layers of skin to reveal the younger-looking skin below the surface. RefinedMD offers a variety...