
Why “Baby Botox” is the Social Media Trend We Love

Why “Baby Botox” is the Social Media Trend We Love | RefinedMD

Why “Baby Botox” is the Social Media Trend We Love

What can’t Botox do? From stopping wrinkles in their tracks to reducing migraines, teeth grinding, excessive sweating, and even preventing lines and wrinkles (AKA Baby Botox!), there’s a good reason demand for Botox has never been higher. Many were surprised to find that cosmetic treatments boomed in the past year during lockdowns, but at RefinedMD we saw it coming. Botox, along with facial cosmetic surgery, was the most in-demand and with good reason. 

Botox can do just about everything, helping you to turn back the clock, quickly addressing a variety of non-aesthetic health concerns, and even preventing premature aging before it begins. Also known as Baby Botox, using small amounts of Botox often in your twenties and even late teens is one social media trend that we wholeheartedly support. After all, it’s a lot easier to tackle prevention rather than address an existing concern.

Why Lines and Wrinkles Happen

Premature signs of aging occur for a variety of reasons. One is sun damage—but the good news is that it’s never too late to step up your UV protection game. (We have all the medical-grade products you’ll need for that). Another is a natural slowing down of collagen production, the natural ingredient in our skin that keeps it plump. A variety of treatments can help with that, such as chemical peels and microneedling. However, something that is often overlooked is the role our muscles play.

There are 42 individual facial muscles and they’re not all doing you favors. From squinting to frowning, you’ve been “working out” the muscles that cause unwanted lines and wrinkles your entire life. Just like other muscles in the body, the more a muscle is worked the stronger it gets. That’s why the first lines and wrinkles we see are in the most expected place. Baby Botox can “train” the muscles causing these lines to temporarily freeze. If you’re in your twenties, just a small amount of Botox is typically needed for this effect.

Less is More with Botox?

Botox and its counterpart, Dysport, are measured in units. How many units you’ll need will depend on your age, the severity of wrinkles, treatment sites, and in some cases how much Botox you’ve used before. Some clients find that switching between Botox and Dysport provides the best results, as they feel their body develops a kind of “tolerance” to the products. Others are loyal to their neuromodulator of choice. It’s up to you, and we will help you determine the right product and units to achieve your goals.

Baby Botox can also be used in more creative ways, such as the lip flip. This is a relatively newer quick treatment that can help achieve the look of a fuller upper lip with Botox. A very small amount of Botox is injected into precise areas along the upper lip to relax it. This results in an upper lip that doesn’t just look fuller, but also doesn’t hike up as high when smiling. If you have a gummy smile and are tired of avoiding photos, some Baby Botox in the form of a lip flip might be for you!

The Beauty of Botox

Botox is now so widely accepted and loved that it’s often considered just as routine and necessary as a manicure or pedicure. Whether you’re interested in a little Baby Botox for preventative measures or you’re ready for your “usual units” as you gear up for summer vacation, keep in mind that the skill of the injector is just as important as the quality of the product. With so many facial muscles, it’s paramount to rely on an expert injector to take care of you during your Botox appointment and that’s exactly what RefinedMD offers.

Botox is an excellent standalone procedure, but it is also commonly paired with a variety of other treatments. It’s a great complement to microneedling, laser skin rejuvenation, and even facial plastic surgery. The effects of Botox last anywhere from a few weeks to a few months, but routine treatments can “train” those wrinkle-causing muscles to be naturally weaker. If you’re ready to look and feel your best, connect with RefinedMD by calling the office or completing the online form to request your Botox treatment.