08 Aug Emsculpt: The Game Changer
RefinedMD is proud to announce the arrival of Emsculpt. The revolutionary technology is a first of its kind treatment option to increase muscle mass and reduce fat. This body toning device joins a suite of services for the body alongside CoolSculpting, Vanquish Me, Exilis, and Kybella.
How does Emsculpt work?
The technology sends HIFEM (high-intensity focused electromagnetic) energy to the muscle fibers for supramaximal contractions, which is a complete muscle fiber contraction. People want to achieve the best possible body profiles (i.e. defined six-pack and firm glutes). If you are one of them, Emsculpt is for you.
This non-surgical option is an alternative to the Brazilian butt lift, cosmetic surgical implants, or contouring. It is a true game changer and will inevitably be used to strengthen and define many skeletal muscle groups and reduce overlying fat layers for more visible muscle tone. Right now RefinedMD’s focus is on treating the stomach and buttock, but services will expand as the technology continues to roll out.
The ideal candidate is someone who has reached the point where diet and exercise is no longer helping them reach their goals to improve muscle strength, size, and definition. This is the same group ideal for CoolSculpting. Take your body to the next level with Emsculpt now. The win/win treatment is simple, painless, and best of all, IT WORKS!
The ideal candidate, just like with CoolSculpting, is someone who has reached the point where diet and exercise are not contributing to further improvement of muscle strength, size, and contouring. It takes your muscles to a new level of strengthening and contouring beyond anything that exercise can do. In the process, it eliminates adjacent layers of fat so that those muscles are even more visible.
Schedule a Complimentary Emsculpt Consultation
You cannot lose with Emsculpt. It is easy, painless and effective. Clients rest easy knowing Emsculpt will be put to good use by everyone at RefinedMD who are looking to achieve the same results. RefinedMD has an after-hours signup sheet just for employees that fills almost daily for those looking to lose some girth, rip those abs and lift those butts. Contact RefinedMD today and schedule your consultation for Emsculpt.