29 Oct Facial Fat Transfers as a Permanent Alternative to Dermal Fillers
You’ve likely heard about using dermal fillers in the face to increase volume, but what if you want a more permanent, natural solution? Dr. Sudeep Roy at RefinedMD offers facial fat transfers that use your own fat sourced from a different part of the body for permanent facial rejuvenation. Also known as “fat injections,” it’s an alternative to dermal fillers and can be used to fill creases, enrich the fullness of the face, and address unwanted contours (such as in the eye trough).
Enhance Your Lips
Patients must have a qualified “donor site” with enough fat for the transfer. This can often be found in the buttocks or abs. Dr. Roy uses liposuction to remove the excess fat from the donor site before grafting it to ensure a proper blood supply. With every fat transfer, some of the harvested fat will not make it. This is completely normal, but the great news is that facial fat transfers are some of the most viable. On average, about 50 percent of transferred fat will survive in the face (and those are great figures for fat transfers!).
Even though a generous amount of fat will survive, there is some lack of predictability with any type of fat transfer. It’s common to require multiple transfers to achieve the results you want. However, Dr. Roy never transfers more fat than a patient wants, so your results will never be overdone.
Schedule Your Consultation
Dermal fillers are a great temporary solution for hollowness in the face. You can test out a look with dermal fillers since this option is never permanent. If you know what you want and are looking for a long-term solution, a facial fat transfer might be for you. The first step is a consultation where Dr. Roy will check to see if you have a harvestable donor site. Very slender clients may not be suitable for facial fat transfers. Schedule your consultation today by calling RefinedMD at (408) 688-2082.