
Forget What You Think You Know about Hair Transplants

Forget Old Hair Transplants | RefinedMD, Los Gatos + San Jose

Forget What You Think You Know about Hair Transplants

If you’re like a lot of people, you probably have a very good idea of what you think hair transplants entail: invasive surgery, a shaved head, plenty of downtime, and lifelong scarring. However, at RefinedMD, you can take advantage of NeoGraft and SmartGraft hair transplants that are permanent, nearly non-invasive, and scar-free. Both types of transplants work by “transplanting” one follicle at a time to the desired site. The only difference between the two procedures is that one uses a manual method while the other is automated.

Ditch the Outdated Plugs and Rugs

Many people are fantastic candidates for today’s revolutionary hair transplants, including women. Being in overall good health is key. Remember that NeoGraft and SmartGraft are still a kind of surgery, albeit minimally invasive ones. You will also need enough spare hair at the donor site, often sourced from close to the nape of the neck. Your doctor will let you know during a complimentary consultation if you’re a good candidate for NeoGraft or SmartGraft, but don’t worry because most patients are.

During the actual procedure you’ll be comfortable and won’t feel any pain, but also alert so you can collaborate to achieve maximum results. If a “new” hairline is being added, you’ll work with your hair transplantation team to personalize it. One of the most exciting parts of a NeoGraft or SmartGraft is watching the results appear before your eyes.

However, keep in mind that (just like hair transplants of yore) the results aren’t immediate. The transplanted hair will go through a cycle of shedding before new, permanent hair appears. This can take up to six months, so if you’re thinking about hair transplantation for a special event, you’ll want to plan in advance.

Schedule Your Hair Transplantation Consultation

There are various causes of hair loss. From genetics to stress to male pattern baldness and various types of alopecia, hair loss or thinning is experienced by most people in their life. Our hair is directly tied to our looks and confidence. Restore both with Neograft and SmartGraft. To learn more and schedule your consultation, call RefinedMD at (408) 688-2082.