
Halo or Clear + Brilliant?

Halo or Clear + Brilliant? | RefinedMD, Los Gatos + San Jose

Halo or Clear + Brilliant?

Halo has been the gold standard in laser treatments to achieve fewer lines and wrinkles, undo sun damage, even out skin tone, tighten skin, and improve texture and clarity. RefinedMD offers a suite of laser and other energy-based devices to help you get to your skin care goals, including the uber-gentle Clear + Brilliant. It can be tough to decide which laser (or lasers) is for you, which is why a consultation with one of our skin care experts is always a good idea.

Halo is the first hybrid fractional laser, delivering both non-ablative and ablative wavelengths. This means you get the best of both worlds with little to no downtime. Ablative lasers are well-known for minimizing wrinkles, erasing pigmentation, and lightening scarring. They work by removing the superficial skin layer, which kick-starts healing and restructuring of collagen below the surface. However, fully ablative laser treatments can be painful and call for up to 10 days of downtime.

Tempering ablative lasers with non-ablative is the secret to Halo. Non-ablative lasers require no downtime. They cause heating in the deep layer of the skin without harming the surface. This also stimulates collagen production while improving texture and tone. They are ideal for helping with discoloration like redness, brown spots, and even melasma—but several rounds of treatments are required when you opt for “only” using non-ablative lasers.

A “Fraction” of the Downtime

Fractional lasers target skin in a pixelated manner, making small dots similar to a grid pattern across the skin. The non-dotted areas are untouched, allowing the untreated areas to produce melanocytes which boost the healing process while reducing any unwanted side effects. Both Halo and Clear + Brilliant use a fractionated laser to achieve more beautiful skin. However, Clear + Brilliant is strictly a non-ablative laser. This is why it’s one of the gentlest available.

It can be a great choice for those looking for a quick pick me up glow. Those who are good candidates for Clear + Brilliant want superficial resurfacing and may even opt for monthly treatments. Although this laser can be used by men and women of any age and with any skin type, it is most popular for younger patients interested in a no-downtime glow and pre-juvenation. You will need ongoing maintenance sessions to sustain Clear + Brilliant results. Also, Halo resurfaces about 5 percent of skin on average while Clear + Brilliant resurfaces 2 – 3 percent.

Who Gets Halo?

Even though Halo is a bit more aggressive than Clear + Brilliant, it is also suitable for all skin tones and types. It features a motion-tracking device that scans the treatment area so that all imperfections are easily targeted. This means it’s individualized (and that every treatment will be different). It’s gentle enough to require no recovery period but still powerful enough to take on more stubborn skin woes like melasma.

Those struggling with skin that looks like an orange peel also love Halo. This condition is common and typically caused by enlarged pores and sun damage. UV rays destroy the skin’s structural DNA over time, causing a collapse and that unwanted appearance. However, Halo can undo this.

Halo The Ideal Laser

There’s a very good chance Halo is the ideal laser for you—it’s beloved by many, including celebrities. Mixing and matching lasers can also be a great way to get foundationally clear skin. To find out which laser is best for you, it all begins with a consultation. You can also combine lasers with other treatments, such as skin tightening technologies like Ultherapy or Thermage FLX. A proper at-home regimen using medical-grade skin care products is a must to improve and maintain your results.

Right now is the best time of year to get any laser treatment. During the winter months, UV rays aren’t as strong and you can work on undoing summer skin damage. Most clients require a few rounds of Halo to get their desired results, so you’ll be able to show off your optimal skin by spring break. Discover more and book your consult with RefinedMD today. Give us a call or, for the fastest results, complete the online contact form now.