
Hands Never Lie

RefinedMD, Los Gatos + San Jose

Hands Never Lie

What is the first part of your body that tells of your real age? Many people will guess the face, and the chest is a close second. But at RefinedMD, Dr. Swengel and his team know that it’s often the hands that hold the truth about aging. Just like the skin on the face, neck, and throat, the skin on the backs of the hands is very thin and is regularly exposed to the sun. It’s where you’ll see age spots, lack of elasticity, and that “crepe” look familiar in the aging population.

Losing Volume As We Age

Many clients spend so much time worrying about and addressing aging concerns on the face and neck that the hands get neglected. As we age, volume is lost, and pigmented age spots occur. However, when we think of “lost volume,” we often think of the cheeks and areas near the mouth. When what little volume on the back of the hands is lost, veins begin to “pop” and you can easily see arteries, tendons, and bones.

Technically known as “tendons,” those veiny backs of the hands will give away a person’s real age no matter how well they’ve taken care of their face and neck. Fortunately, fillers have been developed specifically for treating lost volume in the hands. The FDA-approved injectables include Radiesse and Restylane Lyft. Both can be injected into the top layer of the skin to soften the skin’s appearance immediately and re-plump the skin.

There is no reason to let veins and tendons become the focal point of your hands. A lot of clients will combine one of these treatments with BBL to get rid of brown spots. Light therapy can tackle a wide number of skin marrings including brown spots (or liver spots), acne scars, freckles, and more.

Light Therapy Treatments at RefinedMD

Combining an injectable with BBL treatment can take ten years off the life of your hands. Stop looking forward to sweater weather so you can keep gloves on in public, and get back to enjoying those regular manicures. Your hands are some of your most precious tools and deserve some TLC just like your face and neck. Schedule your hand consultation with RefinedMD today – (408) 688-2082.