
Love is in the air

Love is in the air | RefinedMD, Los Gatos and San Jose, CA

Love is in the air

Happy Valentine’s Day from the RefinedMD Team!

That special day is closing in on us all and I thought it would be fitting to talk about love.

Love comes in many forms and can be expressed in many ways. I believe the world would be a better place if each of us had that one true unconditional love in our life. Valentine’s Day becomes that day to renew our commitment to that one special person in our life. It need not be an extravagant gift or an expensive dinner. It is that quiet, unexpected moment to share your feelings and express your lasting unconditional love for that special person in your life.  Those same feelings in return are the most uplifting and energizing thoughts one can ever receive. Simple demonstrations of what you can spontaneously do for someone you love are the best: take time for a fantastic dinner, fill our lungs with fresh air and feel the sun on your face (with sunscreen of course!). On the morning of every day, make the your first words be, “I love you so much”. Love will always come back to you when you extend it unconditionally. Try it!

And speaking of love, in a different way, I have some new products and technologies to share with you that I love and want you to know about.

Nectifirm, Restorsea Eye Serum, and DefenAge.

I personally use all three!

Nectifirm is loaded with peptides that can penetrate the skin on your neck, décolleté and support better hydration and collagen building. I watch people purchase it one day and two week later they are back buying more and asking where else it can be used.

Restorsea Eye Serum really removes those thin creeping lines on the lower eyelids almost immediately. We find that a simple demonstration to the right candidate will have them hooked as they watch their lower eyelids smooth and tighten.

My newest favorite is DefenAge System. This is based on 4th generation cell research where a peptide called Defensin is produced by these cells which stimulate smoother. cleaner, brighter skin.

I tried DefenAge on at a recent meeting and immediately decided to carry these products at RefinedMD. The nice thing is that we have starter kits for the doubters in the world! That is all it took me to get hooked.

So much to share and not enough room in this newsletter.  I look forward to seeing you soon in the office.

Until then, share the love.
Dr. Steven Swengel