19 Jul Peel Pretty this Summer
Most people have heard of chemical peels, but it’s actually an umbrella term that encompasses a number of procedures. At RefinedMD, Dr. Steven Swengel has personally tested major chemical peels on the market and selected only the best, safest, and most effective. Also called chemical resurfacing, this cosmetic treatment offers instant improvement in skin tone and quality. With a chemical solution, the top layers of skin are removed to reveal younger-looking skin below the surface.
Chemical Peels: A Peeltastic Treatment
Chemical peels can be a fantastic solution for skin that’s sun-damaged, pigmented, or oily. It can dramatically reduce or even remove scarring, acne damage, and even fine lines and wrinkles. However, many chemical peels do have a small amount of downtime. You’ll be able to return to work and other daily activities right away, but will want to plan at least a week in advance if you’re booking a chemical peel for a special event.
After a chemical peel, your “new,” younger skin is vulnerable. Avoid the sun as much as possible and if you don’t already have a stringent sunscreen regimen, now is the time to start. It’s always easier and better to prevent damage rather than treat it. Consider a chemical peel your attempt at turning back the clock when it comes to sun protection.
There are two “depths” of chemical peels. One is superficial and uses glycolic acid. It only treats the very top layer of skin, the epidermis. These peels offer less recovery time and instant improvements to acne and dyschromia. Deeper peels, or phenol peels, treat deeper layers within the dermis for moderate and severe wrinkles or photoaging. You’ll need a little longer recovery time, but the results are much more dramatic.
At RefinedMD, you have the choice of four chemical peels. The Refined Peel is for general rejuvenation and pigment control with exfoliators, pigment reducers, and antioxidants. Obagi Radiance is a gentle peel with lactic and salicylic acids for tighter, brighter skin.
Theraplex is the most popular and comes in two strength options—it’s perfect for acne-prone and oily skin because it penetrates the skin’s oil in a way that other peels can’t. However, the Perfect Peel is Dr. Swengel’s favorite and uses a variety of acids and antioxidants, like glutathione, to address the oxidative damage. It’s great for acne, hyperpigmentation, and melasma while stimulating the body’s collagen production.
Get in touch with RefinedMD today and discover which peel is right for you – (408) 688-2082.