12 Jul Feminine Rejuvenation for Aesthetics and Medical Concerns
Feminine rejuvenation is a relatively new hot topic that’s getting a lot of buzz, but the procedures themselves have been around for quite some time. RefinedMD specializes in feminine rejuvenation for both cosmetic and medical concerns. Dr. Steven Swengel is a board-certified surgeon dedicated to bringing the most recent, safest, and effective feminine rejuvenation procedures to clients to help increase confidence and comfort.
The Popularity of Feminine Rejuvenation
Many women experience a variety of issues, from urinary incontinence to dryness, throughout their lifetime. It may be due to childbirth, age, or simply genetics. Just like the skin everywhere else on the body, the vaginal walls and labia can become loose, lax, and sag with age. Add in childbirth, and it’s no wonder this relatively thin skin is in need of a little TLC.
Feminine rejuvenation is often about more than “looks,” although that’s certainly a valid concern for many women. It’s also about comfort and helping to minimize incontinence. Feminine rejuvenation can lead to a better, more fulfilling sex life by improving the labia and vaginal skin. Plus, the procedure is a huge boost of self-confidence for many women—and that’s arguably the most important factor in a person’s sex life.
RefinedMD offers two procedures including FemiLift and ThermiVa.
FemiLift is minimally invasive and addresses vaginal irregularities. You can enjoy reduced pelvic health issues and an instant boost in self-esteem. Unsurprisingly, FemiLift is a popular procedure for those looking to liven up their romantic lives, too.
ThermiVa is a non-surgical option that helps you get back your pre-baby body and addresses vaginal strain that happens with childbirth. With a radio-frequency heat, the vaginal and labial tissues are encouraged to increase collagen production. Although not technically a “procedure,” RefinedMD also has the Emsella chair which sends electromagnetic pulses to the pelvic floor to cause muscles to contract.
The pelvic floor is often weak and a major cause of incontinence. It can be nearly impossible to isolate on your own, but with Emsella you can take advantage of a treatment that can minimize—and even stop—urinary incontinence.
Learn more about the feminine rejuvenation procedures available at RefinedMD by calling (408) 688-2082 today.