06 Apr Speed Up Recovery & Optimize Results After an Eyelid Lift
An eyelid lift, also known as a blepharoplasty, is a popular treatment at RefinedMD with Board Certified Facial Plastic Surgeon Dr. Sudeep Roy, and many patients are pleasantly surprised to find out just how quickly the healing process is compared to other surgeries. You can get an upper eyelid lift, lower eyelid lift, or both at the same time. The incisions are easily hidden for both types of blepharoplasty. Upper blepharoplasty hides the incisions in the eyelid’s natural crease while lower blepharoplasty incisions are hidden along the lash line or even inside the eyelid. Sometimes a patient also opts for a brow lift in conjunction with an eyelid lift to treat a wide spectrum of sagging, drooping, and lax skin. There are three primary types of brow lifts and figuring out which combination of cosmetic surgeries is right for you begins at your consultation.
Even though eyelid lifts tend to heal much quicker than many other surgeries, there are still things you can do to increase your comfort and speed up healing after surgery. Your exact techniques will depend on various factors and your doctor will customize these just for you and your needs. However, it’s always a good idea to get some tips on how you might improve your recovery period beforehand.
San Jose Eyelid Lift Recovery
It’s important to wear dark sunglasses on your drive home from surgery and to make sure you have a trusted loved one to drive you to and from your appointment. It’s common to be extra sensitive to light after an eyelid lift. Plus, ointments used during the procedure can make your vision temporarily blurry. Don’t worry, this will quickly dissipate within 24 hours. You’re welcome to wear your glasses as usual, though it’s important not to strain your eyes after a blepharoplasty. If you’re used to wearing contact lenses, your doctor will want you to avoid them for at least two weeks post-surgery. This means many patients have to get a new pair of glasses if they exclusively wear contacts, and that’s part of your pre-surgery prep.
One of the most important facets of recovery is rest, and this doesn’t just mean taking a few days off of work. Many of us are used to over-using our eyes even for entertainment, and it can be difficult to avoid phones, computers, and televisions for a few days after surgery. Remember, though, that the more rest your eyes get, the better. Take this opportunity to catch up on audio books, podcasts, and other options that don’t strain your vision. It’s a good idea to figure out what non-visual entertainment you like best and stock up on it before the surgery.
The Eyes Have It: San Jose Blepharoplasty Tips
When sleeping, you will want to try to raise your head with an extra pillow for about two weeks after surgery. This will help minimize any swelling at the surgery site, which will in turn help you get back to your usual life faster. It’s common for the eye area to look swollen and sometimes even a little bruised after surgery. Everyone is different, and some people are more prone to bruising than others. You’ll probably notice the swelling lessen throughout the day, and that’s because you’re upright which allows it to subside.
A cold compress can help if your doctor approves it, as can special eye drops. However, don’t use any type of drop unless it’s pre-approved by your doctor. Prescription eyedrops are sometimes given for certain cases. A sterile saline solution is the most common recommended drop and can help with both lubrication and soothing the area after a blepharoplasty. If you’ll be using cold compresses, make sure to wash your hands before applying it. Some patients put compresses in the fridge, freezer, or use ice and apply the compress every 15 minutes for 24 hours post-surgery.
Tips for Successful Blepharoplasty Recovery
You can shower (neck down) immediately after surgery, but your doctor will tell you when it’s okay to take a full shower—this is often five days after blepharoplasty. Before that time, you can wash gently below the eyes with a washcloth or wipes. Dry shampoo can help those who need to freshen up before they’re approved for a full shower. Avoid makeup and creams that touch the eyes for at least two weeks after blepharoplasty.
Some patients opt for special goggles post-surgery that provide a light compression to reduce swelling, but only your doctor can tell you if goggles are right for you and recommend the best type. Most patients wear these goggles for about 80 percent of the time three days post-op. To learn more about San Jose blepharoplasty, brow lifts, and more, call RefinedMD at (408) 688-2082 to schedule your consultation.