
Sciton Technology At RefinedMD Produces Incredible Results

Sciton Produces Results | RefinedMD, Los Gatos + San Jose

Sciton Technology At RefinedMD Produces Incredible Results

You’ll find nearly every Sciton technology at RefinedMD—and these are the lasers you want in your pursuit of incredible results. Year after year, Sciton proves their ability to create the safest, most predictable laser technology. Choose from BBL (broadband laser) FYBBL (forever young BBL), HALO, ProFractional, and TRL (tactical light with red aiming) laser therapy. Can’t decide, or trying to figure out what all of these lasers do? That’s exactly what you’ll learn during your consultation where the ultimate, custom skin care regimen for you will be designed with a serious laser focus on great results.

However, here’s a cheat sheet so you can start thinking about your next treatment:

BBL: Broadband light therapy

BBL: Broadband light therapy is a lot safer and more powerful than the traditional IPL (intense pulsed light therapy). BBL uses two flashlamps—not just one, like with IPL—as well as pure sapphire crystal technology to optimize cooling while keeping energy delivery consistent. Banish reds and get rid of brown spots for good with BBL. Most clients benefit the most from at least two corrective treatments to get the clearest, most consistent skin.

BBL is most often used on the face, but it can also be used in many other areas including the neck, chest, arms, hands, and even the trunk. BBL truly stops the clock, impacting both cellular and epidermal aging in your favor.

FYBBL: Your Maintenance Treatment

Stay forever young with this maintenance BBL treatment that uses a customized number of light pulses for each client. FYBBL is recommended every 4 – 6 months following your first BBL treatment. Pulsed light on the skin causes photobiomodulation, an incredible phenomenon that halts the aging process. One Stanford study showed that it stops the aging genes in the skin—which means you better hurry up to put the “wait” in your skin’s clock!

HALO: This takes the “Fraxel” treatment to the next level

HALO is the only hybrid fractional laser in the world and works by putting one laser beam on top of another. It penetrates deeply with a 1470 nm laser beam that’s nearly identical to the one used in the original Fraxel systems. This process stimulates new collagen production in the deeper levels of the skin while another beam creates tiny holes in the top layer. These minuscule “injuries” also stimulate collagen growth while allowing for deeper treatment penetration. The downtime is fast, predictable, and the results are heaven-sent.

TRL: For those who love a classic, this one’s for you

The TRL erbium resurfacing system is a fan favorite but will require some planning. This treatment’s downtime is longer than other lasers because entire surfaces of the skin are being removed to target deeper layers. It’s similar to what a microlaser peel accomplishes, so plan for a few days of recovery. Any deep treatment has a longer downtime but comes with even more dramatic results. Targeting the eye and mouth area is especially popular with deep treatments.

ProFractional (ProFrax)

Go even deeper with fractionated erbium treatments. By drilling tiny holes in the skin at key depths and densities, fine lines, stretch marks, and scars can be removed while the overall skin texture vastly improves. Every single treatment is personalized for your unique issues and concerns. In most cases, between 22 – 33 percent of skin is removed, so this deep treatment does require a longer recovery period. However, the nearby untouched skin is a great helper when it comes to the healing process and providing new cells.

Just like your favorite dermatology clinic, Sciton is constantly debuting new technology, and we can’t wait to be one of the first clinics to offer the latest Sciton treatments in the early autumn. For clients who want dramatic results with minimal downtime, consider this something to look forward to (in addition to your pumpkin spice everything, of course).

Test out Sciton’s skin resurfacing treatments today

At RefinedMD, we’re working closely on numerous clinical studies for Sciton, checking out the newest technology, and are proud to be one of the first clinics to offer our clients the latest, greatest technology. We’re also always looking for candidates to participate in these studies! Want to be the first to test out Sciton’s skin resurfacing treatments to improve pore size, fine lines, texture, and all forms of discoloration and redness? Give us a call and see if you qualify.