
Sculptra Addresses the Cause of Aging (Not Just Symptoms)

Sculptra:The Cause of Aging | RefinedMD, Los Gatos

Sculptra Addresses the Cause of Aging (Not Just Symptoms)

There are many fillers on the market, but one of the latest offerings tackles both the symptoms of prematurely aged skin and the cause. It is one of the latest procedures offered at RefinedMD, personally tested and selected by Dr. Steven Swengel. Unlike other fillers, Sculptra slowly replaces lost collagen in the face, which is one of the leading causes of premature facial aging. Results can last over two years and look completely natural because collagen is the body’s organic “fountain of youth.”

What Is Sculptra Dermal Filler

Sculptra was created to treat shallow wrinkles and folds in the face. While many other injectables offer great results, most are designed for specific areas of the face which means they also lead to different results. Sculptra is different because it can treat the entire face (sans lips).

The key ingredient in Sculptra is collagen, which you have likely seen touted in a variety of products. Although collagen as an additive to a topical treatment, like lotion, is not harmful, it is also ineffective. Collagen molecules are simply too big to be absorbed by the skin at a topical level. Collagen needs to be delivered into the skin to produce real, lasting results. Otherwise, the product is simply a moisturizer.

There are also products that include collagen as a dietary supplement. Again, while not harmful in low quantities, the collagen protein is going to be broken down in the digestive system like any other type of food. It will not be delivered to the skin, and certainly not to a targeted area.

Why RefinedMD Loves Sculptra

Collagen dietary supplements are meant to facilitate the production of collagen within the body. However, collagen is a protein that, when ingested, is broken down by the digestive system. Sculptra is the only injectable on the market that delivers collagen into the skin where it will actually work while simultaneously kickstarting the body’s natural collagen production. Find out more about Sculptra and book your appointment online with RefinedMD today – (408) 688-2082.