08 Feb SOS: Britney Spears’s Oppressive Conservatorship Leads to Her Getting Emsculpt and Not Emsculpt NEO #freedbritney
What happens when a decades-old conservatorship leads to the biggest pop star in the world being deprived coffee, candles—and the latest non-surgical treatments? Britney Spears undergoing Emsculpt and not Emsculpt NEO! We can’t blame Britney, of course. Kept from having control over her life (and social media), it’s no surprise that when Britney documented recent non-surgical treatments on her Instagram Story that she revealed her Emsculpt treatment. But what about Emsculpt NEO? Sadly, it looks like Britney still has a lot of catching up to do when it comes to the latest, greatest treatments.
Of course, there’s nothing wrong with Emsculpt! It’s the OG, the first non-invasive treatment that actually leads to unprecedented muscle growth without clients breaking a sweat. The original Emsculpt (which Britney got) forces targeted muscles into 20,000 supramaximal contractions in 30 minutes. For the body, it’s the exact same thing as doing 20,000 lunges, crunches, curls, or whatever else you slave away at (#slaveforyou) during your gym routine. But why just build muscle when you can burn fat at the same time? Why, Britney?
Britney’s (Got) Back … Thanks to Emsculpt
Britney let fans into her world when she streamed her Emsculpt treatment in late December. Like many Emsculpt lovers, Britney opted for Emsculpt on the stomach—after all, those abs are some of the toughest muscles to tone. Her first appointment (as Emsculpt requires around six treatments on average for optimal results) was booked just one month after her 13-year conservatorship was ended by Judge Brenda Penny. We’re thrilled to see Britney treating herself in the past few weeks, including working on those famous abs.
Unfortunately, it seems like Britney’s doctor either doesn’t have Emsculpt NEO or didn’t tell Britney about it. Emsculpt NEO is the second generation of Emsculpt and includes radiofrequency technology (RF) that actually burns fat in the targeted area while the original HIFEM technology works those muscles. Many people actually have solid cores, but you can’t see those six-packs or eight-packs because of an overlying layer of fat. This fat can be especially stubborn to vanquish since spot reduction in the gym isn’t possible—but it is with Emsculpt NEO. You can also mix Emsculpt NEO with CoolSculpting for even better fat-busting results with no needles or downtime.
Getting Britney’s Body
At 40-years-old, the singer maintains one of the most desired celebrity bodies of all time. Maybe Britney is one of the handful of people in the world who don’t need fat reduction on her stomach. After all, the original Emsculpt is still offered in many doctor’s offices. However, the vast majority of people (even celebrities) benefit from a little fat burning along with their muscle building. Plus, when fat is “burned” off with RF, those particular fat cells can’t “grow back.” In other words, Emsculpt NEO helps you build muscle, reduce fat, and actually keep that fat off.
It’s important to stress that Emsculpt NEO isn’t a replacement for the gym (we’re pretty sure Britney would agree). She’s known for her intensive, fun workouts and those will surely continue (especially as she has recently teased that she has new music in the works—and that probably means new videos and performances). Britney is undeniably an ideal candidate for Emsculpt. She’s in shape and dedicated to fitness, but wanted a little extra help breaking through plateaus or simply getting in the best shape of her life.
A Celebrity Procedure at an Affordable Price
Celebrities fell in love with Emsculpt the moment it was FDA-approved, but there’s no celeb-level price tag attached to it. In fact, Emsculpt is affordable for most people! Start now and you can get swimsuit-ready by summer. Disclaimer: we cannot guarantee Britney’s body with Emsculpt NEO or any other procedure—but we can certainly get you a little closer to your personal best. And you can always consider Britney for some serious inspiration as we all watch her journey continue. Learn more about Emsculpt NEO today by scheduling a consultation with RefinedMD. Call the office at (408) 688-2082 or complete the online form right now.