16 Feb Help! I’m Almost 30 and Want to Stop the Clock Now
Question: I’m 28 and want to know what I can do to slow down the aging process and keep myself in great shape as long as possible. Basically, I don’t want to look like my mom any sooner than I have to—if ever!
Answer: It’s great that you’re getting started on your anti-aging regimen at a young age. Many people wait until much later, and it’s a lot easier to prevent aging rather than reversing it (though both are possible).
Here are some of the best preventative measures you can take in your mid and late twenties. Remember that the fairer you are, the earlier you should adopt these best practices.
Skin Care:
When you’re in your twenties, it’s all about antioxidants, retinols/tretinoins, bioactive peptide complexes, and zinc-based sunscreens. We have a wide range of medical-grade products in each of these categories, and you can find out which one is best for you during a consultation. However, some of the most popular picks include Obagi-C Rx, Revision C+ Corrective Complex, and RefinedMD Triple Antioxidant serums and creams.
You have a large suite of choices with retinols, and the goal is to find one with the highest concentration you can tolerate without irritating your skin too much. This will likely take a few trials, and it’s always best to start conservatively to avoid any unnecessary irritation. Retinols are a product that’s applied at night, and for most patients Tret A is a step above retinols that is non-irritating. However, for those wanting maximum results you also have a number of full-strength tretinoins available.
Some of the favorite peptide treatments available include DefenAge, Alastin, Restorsea, and Sente. All of these products have options for the face, neck, and around the eyes (each of which require slightly different products).
Finally, when it comes to sunscreens, they are not all created equal even if the SPF is the same. Top of the line sunscreens should include zinc and full-spectrum protection. Think lines like EltaMD, ISDIN Ultralight Emulsion, and Revision Intellishade. How you apply sunscreen and how often is also just as important as the brand of sunscreen you choose.
In-Office Treatments:
Just like with skin care, the earlier you start in-office treatments the better off you are—and gentler treatments can be used when you start younger.
Diamond Glow uses proprietary infusions and is one of the most in-demand treatments to cleanse pores and remove the oil and debris trapped in your skin. At the same time, it infuses your skin with a customized cocktail of creams, serums, and lotions to achieve your goals. It’s gentle, it works, and the results are immediate but keep getting better in time. The best part of Diamond Glow is that is uses condition-specific serums to treat brown spots, age spots, wrinkles and overall skin health.
Clear + Brilliant is the first line of fractionated laser treatments. It tackles all of the most common skin concerns including fine lines and wrinkles, hyperpigmentation, and the beginning of skin laxity and collagen loss.
BBL, or broadband light treatment, is our go-to system for vanquishing redness and hyperpigmentation. It even helps minimize rosacea and lightens acne scarring. In just two treatments per year, it slows down the aging process so you can “pause” in your twenties for a little longer.
Chemical peels come in a nearly endless variety of combinations. As the name implies, this is a customized chemical product that strips away the top layer(s) of the skin to reveal more youthful skin below the surface. The Perfect Derma Peel is a leave-on peel that is completely painless and provides consistent, predictable results. Full of glutathione, a skin brightener, this peel requires no downtime and you can repeat it over and over again.
The Cosmelan Peel is a proprietary non- hydroquinone HQ mask that arrived at RefinedMD from Spain. It’s fantastic for those with overall good skin who struggle with pigmentation issues.
Of course, you don’t want to forget microneedling. It harnesses the healing powers of the body to improve texture, reduce fine lines, and tighten pores. Microneedling is a great choice for all skin types, and it’s best when routinely scheduled to sustain results. It tells the body to produce more collagen at the treatment site, and also “opens up” the skin for immediate in-0ffice application of serums and creams.
AquaGold is the ultimate finishing touch for almost any in-office treatment, especially microneedling. It features an individualized blend of hyaluronic acid, exosomes, neurotoxins, and vitamins using tiny microchannel needles that are finer than a human hair for maximum comfort.
Ready to learn more? Contact RefinedMD today and let’s talk about your goals, skin, and what you can achieve with the right blend of home and office treatments.