
Turn Back the Clock on Sun Damage

Turn Back the Clock on Sun Damage | RefinedMD, Los Gatos + San Jose

Turn Back the Clock on Sun Damage

Most adults grew up in an era where sunscreen was not nearly as much of a priority as it is today. RefinedMD offers a number of ways to treat sun damage, and it is possible to undo the damage of those lazy days in the sun. The majority of sun damage is sustained when people were kids and adolescents. However, it can take many years for the full effect of sun damage to present itself. That initial burn or tan is just the very first glimpse into sustained sun damage.

How Sun Damage Is Long Term

Sun damage might show up in adulthood as age spots, increased freckles or moles, fine lines and wrinkles, and of course various types of skin cancer. It is important that everyone see a dermatologist annually for a mole check. Caught early, skin cancer is the easiest type of cancer to treat—usually with a quick excision. However, what about the more cosmetic concerns related to sun damage?

Treatment for Sun Damage

There are many methods to treat early aging caused by sun damage. Laser treatments are one of the most effective, and RefinedMD has only the best technology on the market. Using targeted light therapy, laser skin treatments can instantly reverse sun damage including hyperpigmentation and fine lines. The laser beams instantly increase collagen production. Hyperpigmentation, from freckles to moles, can also be faded or even removed. The procedure is fast, painless, and safe.

The Visia complexion analysis system is also available at RefinedMD, offering the latest in skin consultations. It processes the complete image of the client, showing the full array of skin damage (including any damage lurking below the surface). This allows for better planning of skin rejuvenation treatments.

Prevention should also be a priority. It is not too late to start a skin protection regimen, and not all products are created equally. You deserve a customized plan for at-home treatments and sun protection that works with your skin. Starting a new or improved sun protection practice can prevent further damage and help sustain and extend in-office treatments. Call RefinedMD today at (408) 688-2082 to schedule your consultation.