09 May The Stigma of Facial Acne
Acne is more than a “rite of passage” or an embarrassing part of adolescence. That’s why RefinedMD is dedicated to effectively treating all kinds of acne for clients of all ages. Acne has been linked to a decrease in self-esteem, and according to a recent study from the University of Limerick in Ireland, a decrease in quality of life. Researchers report that women and girls who have acne have “greater impairment” of quality of life compared to male counterparts.
Unfortunately, a stigma remains around acne. The researchers surveyed 271 people with acne, questioning them about negative acne perceptions in society. A majority reported that acne was linked to higher psychological distress levels while increasing co-concurrent issues such as sleep disturbances, gastrointestinal concerns, and headaches.
Females disproportionately reported more stigma and issues related to acne than men. The researchers wanted to know if those surveyed had perceptions about acne stigma that could predict physical and psychological outcomes. One researcher, Dr. O’Donnell, said, “We know from previous research that many acne sufferers experience negative feelings about their condition, but we have never before been able to draw a such a direct link between quality of life and perception of social stigma around acne.” Until now, that is.
Overall, the study supported the idea that those with a visible negative distinction (like acne) were viewed more negatively by their peers. It’s no surprise that this can lead to a host of life quality issues and physical symptoms, including depression. Lead researcher Jamie Davern points to a lack of representation of people with acne in pop culture as a catalyst for acne stigmatization.
“Acne is not well represented in popular culture, advertising, or social media,” Davern says. “This can lead people with acne to feel that they are ‘not normal’ and therefore negatively viewed by others.” Although there are some campaigns trying to tackle this, such as #freethepimple and “acne positive” social media movements, we still have a long way to go.
Contact RefinedMD Today!
It’s actually relatively simple for an expert to treat acne. Acne can be painful, uncomfortable, and lead to permanent scarring (in addition to the stigmas surrounding it). There is an acne solution out there for everyone, but it is rarely over the counter. If you or your child suffers with acne, call RefinedMD at (408) 688-2082 and get on the path to clearer skin.