12 Oct Time to Upgrade Your Skin Care Products
If your skin care products aren’t medical-grade, you aren’t getting the benefits you deserve. Only dermatology clinics like RefinedMD can provide you with the best skin care products that use medical-grade ingredients to achieve the results you really want. Nothing you purchase in drugstores or even department stores can compare to the caliber of products available in our office.
What’s the difference between what you can find in stores and at dermatology clinics? It’s all about the quality of the products and the quantity of active ingredients used. It might seem like you’re getting a great deal on economy-sized skin care products at big bulk stores. However, legally there’s a limit to how concentrated “over the counter” products can be when compared to in-office options.
That’s why it can seem like you aren’t getting as much when you purchase medical-grade skin care products, but you’re actually getting much more! These products are concentrated at a level that simply isn’t legally available with over the counter products. In other words, a little bit really does go a long way. In fact, most people find that they use much less quantity of the medical-grade skin care products compared to over the counter products and enjoy significantly better results.
Do You Know What’s in Your Skin Care Products?
Medical-grade products are also approved to have higher-quality and stronger ingredients than anything you can find over the counter. Take a look at the ingredients on a drugstore product you have and you’ll find a lot of fillers. When a society is accustomed to the idea that bigger is better that’s great news for over the counter skin care product manufacturers—but not a very good deal for you.
The best products are concentrated and exclusively have ingredients that are beneficial to you and your skin. So, why make these products seemingly tougher to get than over the counter options? It’s because they’re so powerful. Talking to your dermatologist and expert skin care team is a critical step in making sure the powerful medical-grade products you use are actually the right match for your skin.
Still, we understand it can be a pain to have to come into a clinic just to get skin care products. That’s why RefinedMD now offers shipping so that you can get the products that are best for you delivered right to your door. We also routinely offer discounts, specials, and deals on everything from the products themselves to shipping, making it possible to take advantage of extra savings. Plus, virtual consultations and complimentary aaesthetic recommendations are available so you don’t even have to visit us in-person to get personalized recommendations. Like you, we’re staying committed to safety and social distancing whenever possible—but that doesn’t mean you have to forego customized skin care regimens and the best products.
Getting Started with Medical-Grade Products
As the season changes, so does our skin. Shouldn’t your skin care routine follow suit? Take this time to upgrade your skin care routine to exclusively medical-grade products and get ready to battle winter dry skin, redness, flaking, and peeling to get glowing, enviable skin just in time for the holidays. We might not be able to gather in person this year, but that doesn’t mean you can’t show off youthful, clear, beautiful skin on those Zoom holiday happy hours or IG selfies.
The best part about medical-grade skin care? You don’t have to wait long to see results. This is the level of care your skin has been craving and it will respond quickly to the nourishment and extra love you’re about to give it. Even better, most people don’t need to make a huge investment or buy a lot of products to achieve healthier, more beautiful skin. The fact that you’re using the highest-grade products means you’ll probably save time and steps in your skin care routine.
We’ll work with you (virtually or in-person) to determine your skin’s needs and your goals. We’ll also keep in mind the most common conditions that happen with changing seasons and colder weather to prevent future issues from cropping up. Let’s work together to change your skin for the better with products that are stronger and better. Connect with RefinedMD today at (408) 688-2082 to schedule a complimentary consultation, or start shopping online today!