
Upper and Lower Eyelid Surgery: The Super-Fast Miracle Surgery You Didn’t Know You Needed

The Super-Fast Miracle Surgery You Didn’t Know You Needed | RefinedMD

Upper and Lower Eyelid Surgery: The Super-Fast Miracle Surgery You Didn’t Know You Needed

Eyelid surgery, also known as blepharoplasty, is one of the quickest of surgeries that provides immediate and stunning results. At RefinedMD, double board-certified Dr. Sudeep Roy often performs both upper and lower eyelid surgery in the same appointment. This procedure can be suitable for patients as young as in their 20s because around the eyes is where the first signs of aging appear. In fact, many people notice the first fair crow’s feet lines when they are in high school.

It might seem like eye surgery is very invasive, but this is eyelid surgery. This thin and delicate skin heals very well and quickly thanks to the abundance of blood vessels. Plus, very little skin needs to be trimmed in this area for beautiful results. However, do keep in mind that lower and upper eyelid surgeries are two very different surgeries that address different issues. Let’s take a look at each of them.

Upper Blepharoplasty Benefits

Upper eyelid surgery fixes the sagging and skin laxity that can occur due to age, genetics, or trauma (such as rubbing the eyes too vigorously). The technical term for this sagging is ptosis, and when it’s severe it can even affect your visibility. Sagging upper eyelids can make anyone look older and more tired than they are. It can also deliver a serious hit to your self-esteem.

During the surgery, excess skin is removed and incisions are hidden in the upper eyelid creases. The size of the incisions is quite small, but will require sutures that will be removed within one week. Swelling and bruising is also common during this time. Understandably, most people want to bow out of social obligations for the first seven days after their surgery. However, once sutures are removed, a lot of patients feel confident immediately getting back to their daily activities. Remember, this area heals fast, so you’ll also see a quick reduction in any discoloration or swelling.

Lower Blepharoplasty Perks

In the lower eyelid area, the common complaints include sagging, bags, and dark circles. Skin laxity is at work again here, but it can be exacerbated by uneven fat deposits. We all lose “good fat” in our face as we get older, and this rarely happens symmetrically. A combination of lost elasticity and a reduction in fat below the eyelids can lead to unwanted wrinkles, sagging, bags, and premature aging.

In addition, loss of fat can create dark circles or make them more pronounced. Genetics do play a role in dark circles, but they are also more common with age. Combining a lower blepharoplasty with dermal fillers below the eyelids can be a fantastic solution for dark eyes. In fact, combining plastic surgery with non-surgical procedures can usually optimize results, which is why RefinedMD is home to both Dr. Sudeep Roy (who specializes in facial plastic surgery) as well as highly-trained injectors and estheticians.

Eye Spy

A lot of people think a facelift is the first facial plastic surgery someone will consider, but in actuality, it’s the eyes that give away the age first. It can be tough to figure out which surgery, or surgeries, will actually give you the results you want. Of course, many people are also great candidates for eyelid surgery and a facelift. Surprisingly, and contrary to its name, a facelift actually only addresses the lower half of the face and neck. The eyes aren’t affected at all by a facelift, so if you want a full facial rejuvenation a blepharoplasty and facelift might be your solution.

A consultation is the first step in your plastic surgery journey. It’s where you’ll get questions answered, see more before/after photos, and where you can tell if the surgeon is a good match for you. Only trust a board-certified (or, better, double board-certified!) plastic surgeon who specializes in the specific surgery you are considering. Schedule your consultation with Dr. Sudeep Roy today by calling the office or filling out the online form now.