
Why Botox Maker Had to Have Dermalinfusion

Allergan & Dermalinfusion | RefinedMD, Los Gatos + San Jose

Why Botox Maker Had to Have Dermalinfusion

Allergan is the maker of Botox, arguably the most well-known anti-aging product on the market. It has remained one of the most popular treatments and add-on treatments at RefinedMD for years. However, there’s a new breakout star in the mix—Dermalinfusion. If you haven’t heard about it yet, you will soon enough (and likely fall in love with it just like Allergan did).

Dermalinfusion is a specialized treatment currently available at only a few clinics, including RefinedMD. It’s customized for every patient, and takes just 20 minutes to achieve incredible results. It was the star treatment from Envy Medical, but earlier in 2019, Allergan bought Dermalinfusion because the company knew it was the perfect complement to Botox and other top-rated treatments.

Dermalinfusion is totally non-invasive, non-surgical, and suitable for every part of the body. It’s a combination of an exfoliant with specialized extracts and serums. According to a spokesperson for Allergan, “The acquisition of Envy Medical’s Dermalinfusion reinforces our commitment to skin care and to offering a full range of solutions … the breakthrough technology for skin resurfacing appeals to millennials and their focus on skin quality.”

Of course, millennials aren’t the only ones who love and benefit from Dermalinfusion. It’s quickly gaining in popularity amongst all ages of men and women. Dermalinfusion does what the ultimate skin health regimen should do: Offers innovative, unique solutions for every client that evolves with each treatment.

Dermalinfusion is the ultimate way to address signs of aging while revitalizing the skin. There is no downtime, and the results are immediate. It’s the perfect pampering session or maintenance solution to create and maintain your skin’s best health. Although every session is unique, the typical treatment starts with a discussion about skin concerns and a skin exam. Next, customized blends of serums are selected before a diamond-tipped exfoliation tool is used to prep the skin.

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This buffing is performed in tandem with an extraction tool. It creates the perfect surface for the skin to readily absorb the serums. Consider Dermalinfusion like a facial taken to the extreme and created just for you. To learn more about this treatment, schedule an appointment with RefinedMD today.