20 Aug Fight Signs of Aging Holistically with Dermal Fillers
Once upon a time, it was thought that turning back the clock meant plastic surgery like a facelift. That can certainly be a great part of rejuvenation, and at RefinedMD Dr. Sudeep Roy is a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon who specializes in helping you achieve stunning and youthful results. However, skin tightening only addresses part of the signs of aging. A loss of fat is also a tell-tale sign that you’re getting a little older. This fat doesn’t usually disappear symmetrically, either, which can lead to unsightly deposits and hollow areas.
Dermal fillers do just what they say: they “fill in” the skin to give you back the volume you used to have—or provide volume where you always wanted more! We carry all of the safest and most effective fillers including Juvederm, Sculptra, and Restylane. Most dermal fillers are made with hyaluronic acid (HA), a protein that is naturally synthesized by our body. HA can last anywhere from 3 – 18 months on average, depending on which dermal filler is used, the location, and how many syringes are injected.
Filler FAQs
If you’re new to dermal fillers, it’s understandable to be a little overwhelmed. There are so many types of dermal fillers, how can you choose the right one for you? Even within the “family” of Juvederm and Restylane, there are different options. Every HA filler is concocted a little differently so that they might be best suited for different parts of the face and body. A lot of clients mix and match fillers with the help of an esthetician, too, such as using one dermal filler as a cheek injection and another for the lips or tops of the hands.
The skill and experience of your injector are equally as important as getting matched with the right dermal filler. That’s why it’s always best to work with a professional injector at a dermatology clinic. This is where you’ll find the most skill, and estheticians committed to ongoing training. You’ll also have access to the most popular and leading dermal fillers, too. Whether you’re new to fillers or a seasoned vet, at RefinedMD you’ll get both the choices and the skilled personnel that you deserve.
The Sculptra Difference
While most dermal fillers are made with HA, Sculptra is a little different because it works by stimulating collagen induction rather than “filling” the target site with HA. This means that results are not immediate, but they often do last longer. If you’re looking for even more natural-looking results and have a little patience, Sculptra might be for you. We lose both fat and collagen as we get older, which is the perfect storm for showing signs of aging. Sculptra is an injectable that “tells” the body to start producing more collagen in the treated area. It’s a fantastic choice for those who really want to ease into dermal fillers or simply prefer that their plumpness be 100 percent their own.
Many clients depend wholly on dermal fillers for rejuvenation, but more often dermal fillers are part of a larger and more comprehensive plan. If anti-aging or reverse aging is your goal, dermal fillers can play a big role. However, you may also want to incorporate Botox or Dysport into the mix. A routine DiamondGlow appointment to cleanse, exfoliate, and hydrate can take results to the next level, while microneedling is another form of collagen induction. Those interested in a more aggressive approach might schedule a consultation with Dr. Roy to see if facial plastic surgery alongside dermal fillers is the way to go.
Instant Filler Results You’ll Love
Those who aren’t interested in the Sculptra method can enjoy instant results with HA fillers. Minor swelling and bruising is common in the first few days after the injections, so plan any events or photos accordingly. There’s nothing like instant gratification and that’s exactly what you get with dermal fillers. Common injection sites include the lips (of course!), cheeks, jawline for that Ariana Grande sleekness, the temples, below the eyes, and the hands.
Aging happens to everyone, but dermal fillers can help you get back the volume you’ve lost. Contact RefinedMD today for your consultation or appointment by calling the office or completing the online form.