
Can You Guess the Most Neglected Muscles of the Body?

Can You Guess the Most Neglected Muscles of the Body?

Even if you’re a gym rat, hitting the weights, TRX, fixed weight machines, and other modalities several times a week, there are some key muscles you’re overlooking: the muscles in your face. These muscles work just like muscles everywhere else in your body, which is why RefinedMD offers Emface. When muscles get “worked” or stressed, they experience micro-tears so that they get bigger and stronger. This is why, in part, people notice frown lines, “angry elevens” between the brows, forehead lines, and more. Yes, skin laxity due to decreased collagen production is part of it, but when you make the same facial expressions over and over—expressions that lead to lines and an appearance you don’t like—that’s “working out” those muscles. Simultaneously, muscles that lift up the face and make you look younger are often neglected. Emface fixes all of that.

From the makers of Emsculpt and EmsculptNEO, Emface works in the same way. It’s totally noninvasive with no needles or downtime. An external device forces the facial muscles that lift and tone into 20,000 supramaximal contractions in 20 – 30 minutes. The number of initial sessions for Emface can be a little different than Emsculpt, but typically ranges from 3 – 4 followed by biannual maintenance sessions. We’ll discuss the recommendation for your initial series during your consultation or first appointment.

A New Kind of Workout

Emface isn’t magic. It’s backed by science. You already know that when muscles are worked, they’re going to get stronger, but in time. This also means that results from Emface take time, but a lot of clients see some mild improvement right after their first session. That makes sense. After all, you will see some toning right after you do 50 pushups, so this works in the same way. Still, you need to wait about 3 – 4 months after your last session in the series to see the full results. Muscles build slowly over time, so it’s a good idea to take before, progress, and after photos to really see the outcome.

Emface can help tone, tighten, and lift the face from the inside out. However, if you’re equally worried about facial muscles that are overworked, resulting in lines and wrinkles, you can combine Emface with Botox. Botox works in a completely different way and is considered mildly invasive because a needle is involved. Instead of making muscles stronger, Botox temporarily paralyzes muscles that cause unwanted lines and wrinkles. The muscles that Emface and Botox target are opposites, but you can still undergo both treatments simultaneously. Your provider knows exactly which muscles to target with each treatment.

An Option for All-Natural Looks

Not everybody combines Botox with Emface. If you want to look younger without any kind of invasive procedure, Emface by itself can make a big different. Most clients choose to keep up with their maintenance sessions twice a year because it’s quick, easy, it works, and it’s all natural. After all, you’re just turning back the clock based on your own muscle strengthening and nothing else. Your muscles don’t know the difference between “stress” from weightlifting, face yoga, or a treatment like Emface—and if they could care, they wouldn’t. It’s simple: when muscles are ideally stressed with supramaximal contractions, they respond by getting stronger and more toned so they can withstand a similar stressor in the future.

There are also different strengths that your provider can offer. Typically, it’s best to start conservatively both for comfort and so treatments can be adjusted if your muscles get used to a certain setting. In the gym, you need to go up in weights to keep seeing results because muscles adjust. The same is true of Emface. It can be a lifelong method of looking younger, healthier, and happier, and the technology is able to adjust to how your muscles respond over time.

So, do you think Emface is for you? Since it’s 100% noninvasive you can often add it on to other appointments, including EmsculptNEO. Just remember that you need to stick to the initial series to get the best results. To find out more, schedule a consultation, or schedule your first session, contact RefinedMD today by calling the office or filling out the online form.