
Scar Treatment Options

Scar Treatment Options

Most people have at least one scar, and although many are small and easy to hide, others can get in the way of daily activities or lower self-esteem. Scar revision treatments can minimize and even remove scars by blending the scar with nearby tissue—and you have options at RefinedMD. A scar is a visible reminder of a wound. They can happen because of an injury or surgery, and there is no way to predict if a scar will occur—or what type. Poor healing can make scars even more obvious, larger, or raised.

There are many types of scars. Acne scarring is one of the most common, and severe acne can result in depressed or “pitted” scars. Your face is one of the first things people notice about you. Acne also occurs most often on the face. It can be frustrating to still be plagued with reminders of teenaged acne that cleared up decades ago. Plus, adult acne is a very common and frustrating experience. Acne coupled with lingering scars can keep skin from looking clear, healthy, and young.

There are also keloid scars, which are lifted, ropy scars that occur when the body “over-heals” an injury. Keloids are most common in people with more melanin in their skin, but can happen to anyone. Keloids are also more likely to happen if it is difficult to allow proper healing, such as an injury in the bra strap area.

Lessening the Appearance of Scars

The good news is that there are many options for treating scars. Topical treatments can be very effective for smaller scars. There are also minimally invasive procedures, including a wide range of laser skin therapies. In severe cases, surgical revision may be required. No matter what type of scar you have, or where it’s located, we have the skills and tools available to give you dramatic scar revision results.

Scars are often combined with hyperpigmentation. Concentrated melanin can also be treated, similar to treating sun damage or “brown spots.” Both hyperpigmentation and mild scars are not painful, and are not covered by insurance providers. However, removal of more severe scars may be deemed medically necessary. It is possible for some scar revision procedures to be covered by insurance. Always check with your provider first.

Types of Scars

Hypertrophic scar: This thick scar develops at a wound site. It is usually raised and can redden or darken over time. Hyperpigmentation is common in these types of scars, but so is hypopigmentation (a lightening of the area). Hypertrophic scars are common in accidents and after serious surgeries.

Keloid scar: Keloids have many similarities to hypertrophic scars, but they are even bigger. They can be itchy or painful, and can “pucker” in addition to being raised. Keloid scars extend past the wound site and can develop anywhere on the body. However, they are most common in areas with little fat, such as the neck and face.

Contracture scar: A contracture scar pulls skin together as the body heals. They are most common in areas where there was a lot of tissue lost, such as after a burn. “Burn scars” are actually contracture scars, and can often be found if a wound is on top of a joint. Contractures can limit movement in some cases, and as such may be deemed medically necessary to treat.

Is Scar Revision for You?

Only you can decide if scar revision is best for you. Talking to a dermatologist can help you determine the results you can expect, best treatment plans, and whether treating the scar is your next best move. The best candidates for scar revision are bothered by their scar, do not smoke, and have a realistic idea of what to expect.

Those who are healthy and do not have other skin disorders in the treatment area might be a good fit for scar revision therapy. Your dermatologist will work with you to determine the best treatment plan and give you a good idea of what to expect. Scar revision therapies take time to work, and multiple sessions are often needed if you opt for laser or light therapy.

Scars never disappear entirely. However, milder scars can become nearly invisible to the naked eye. Treating scars can help increase self-confidence and self-esteem. Are you bothered by a scar? Do you want to minimize its visibility? RefinedMD has one of the biggest laser skin therapy collections in the area. Contact us today by calling the office or filling out the online form to schedule a scar consultation.