Understanding Vitiligo

Understanding Vitiligo

Vitiligo is a harmless but incurable skin condition that presents as patches of skin that have lost their pigment. Anyone of any race or ethnicity can have vitiligo, but it becomes more apparent in those with more melanin. Vitiligo is an auto-immune disorder that targets the cells in the body that produce pigment—melanocytes—and mistakenly destroys them. Although there’s no “cure” there are means of lessening the appearance of vitiligo available at RefinedMD.

Vitiligo has become a household name in recent years, largely thanks to model Winnie Harlow. It has increasingly become not only well-known but revered by many as naturally beautiful. Nobody knows why vitiligo occurs or why melanocytes are attacked by the body. What is known is that there seems to be a genetic component to vitiligo. If a family member has the condition, there are higher chances that you will, too. Vitiligo often appears and progresses with age.

What to Know About Vitiligo

Men and women of all races seem to develop vitiligo at the same rates. However, it is more noticeable in those with darker skin tones. People with other autoimmune disorders, like Hashimoto thyroiditis, also have vitiligo at a higher rate. The disorder can become apparent at any age, although it tends to become more obvious as the patient gets older. The highest risk factor of vitiligo is having a family member with the disorder.

Vitiligo is diagnosed by a dermatologist when white patches of skin begin to appear, and all other causes are ruled out. Vitiligo almost always presents as localized swatches of skin, often starting on the hands and arms. Generalized vitiligo patches do occur, but less frequently.

The Spread of Vitiligo

There is no way to tell if vitiligo will spread or not, but it is relatively common. However, most vitiligo patients have “localized vitiligo” that doesn’t spread. This makes it easier to cover up the patches if the client chooses. Vitiligo tends to spread during periods of high emotional or physical stress and trauma.

Only a dermatologist can diagnose vitiligo. There are a number of conditions which can mimic the disorder, presenting as light patches on the skin. Usually, a dermatologist can diagnose vitiligo with a physical examination, but in rare cases a biopsy may be necessary.

Treating Vitiligio

There is no treatment to remove vitiligo. Since it is a harmless disorder, the goal of many patients is an improved cosmetic appearance. We work closely with clients to create a customized plan revolving around their symptoms and goals. Steroid creams can effectively minimize the appearance of vitiligo in some cases, while others benefit from light therapy or laser skin resurfacing. There is no way to remove vitiligo, and many patients would not want to. However, improving the overall appearance of the skin can help many clients embrace and love their skin while ensuring it is as healthy as it can be.

Some patients choose to cover vitiligo with makeup or coverup. If you prefer to cover vitiligo, it is important to choose products with healthy ingredients. We help patients design personalized approaches to skin care and offers treatments that help maximize the effects of makeup. Dermaplane is just one treatment to help makeup, lotions, and creams application be smoother.

Vitiligo: A Model Condition

Many people never heard of this condition until it was linked with Michael Jackson. The darker the skin tone, the more obvious vitiligo will be. While there’s some controversy over whether or not Jackson actually had vitiligo (as his skin wasn’t patchy but rather consistently fairer over time), his claim of the disease helped to make it a household name.

Our differences are what make us unique and attractive, but if you want help reducing the appearance of vitiligo there are options available. However, it’s often much easier and safer to opt for a quality skin regimen to help with the application of makeup (if desired). Bleaching the skin to “match” the vitiligo can be dangerous and nearly impossible to keep up with. A reputable dermatologist will not recommend regular, severe skin bleaching. Instead, improving the health of the skin to increase confidence and ensure makeup or bronze application is as smooth as possible is a better approach.

If you suspect you have vitiligo or have been diagnosed with the disorder, your skin deserves the ultimate in care. Get in touch with RefinedMD today to schedule a consultation or appointment to discuss your options—give us a call or complete the online form.