
Dorinda Medley of Real Housewives of New York Loves Emsculpt

Dorinda Medley & Emsculpt | RefinedMD, Los Gatos + San Jose

Dorinda Medley of Real Housewives of New York Loves Emsculpt

It gets more challenging to tone and tighten your body with age, but with Emsculpt you can get a little help to complement your gym regimen. At RefinedMD, Emsculpting was one of the most popular procedures of 2018, and it is getting even more attention going into 2019. The Real Housewife recently spoke to ET Online about getting Emsculpt for her abs. She already cuts carbs, drinks a lot of water, and really focuses on her core at the gym. However, at 53 years old, she’s not getting the same results she used to from workouts and a healthy diet.

Emsculpt is a non-surgical procedure that forces the abs or glutes into 20,000 submaximal contractions in just 30 minutes. For Medley, it was recommended that her initial treatments included two sessions per week for two weeks. Like most clients, she will likely benefit from maintenance sessions every six months.

When asked why she chose Emsculpt, Medley says, “Why not? Why not speed up the process?” She was just as committed to the gym as always, but it’s impossible for even Olympic athletes to complete 20,000 perfect sit-ups or squats in 30 minutes. Both exhaustion and the wear and tear on the body prevents this kind of substantial workout. However, Emsculpt offers all the benefits of 20,000 exercises with none of the risks.

Medley was so impressed with the results after just four sessions that she will likely get Emsculpt for the glutes next. “A little lifting and plumping,” she said with a wink. With no downtime and just some natural soreness after a session, many celebrities are trying out Emsculpt—however, Medley is one of just a few admitting to it.

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A toned tummy and perky glutes are must-haves for many health-conscious people. However, there’s only so much a good diet and exercise routine can do. Those looking for a little help to complement their gym regimen can call RefinedMD at (408) 688-2082 to book their Emsculpt consultation.