
Real Housewife Shows Off Emsculpt Results

Real Housewife Shows Off Emsculpt Results | RefinedMD

Real Housewife Shows Off Emsculpt Results

With Emsculpt, the proof is in the pictures. RefinedMD has seen an impressive increase in the number of requests for Emsculpt thanks partially to celebrities like Cary Deuber being so open about the non-invasive procedure. Star of The Real Housewives of Dallas spilled to BRAVO that she had been struggling with toning up her abs. It’s a common complaint, and this group of muscles can be tricky to target.

Emsculpt Before/After Photos

Deuber shared side-by-side photos showing off her before and after results, and they are incredible. Of course, she also balanced Emsculpt with diet and exercise. However, as a Housewife, Deuber was already dedicated to a healthy lifestyle. Emsculpt simply helped her target her trouble area and optimized the positive choices she was already making.

Emscultping works by targeting the abs and/or buttocks area. Via a magnetic field, it forces the body into muscle contractions. Clients enjoy 20,000 contractions in a single treatment. That’s the equivalent to 20,000 crunches, lunges, or squats. Deuber was so happy with the results on her derriere earlier this year that she knew she needed it for her abs. After her buttocks treatment, she says she was “twerk-ready” and on October 9 she revealed her abdomen results.

“Talk about a wow factor,” says Deuber. “My abs will never be the same again.” The contraction and minor tearing of muscles are what makes them grow and gives clients that toned look. Nobody has time, or stamina, for 20,000 crunches or squats. That’s where Emsculpt comes in. It’s recommended that treatments be repeated every few months, though this will vary based on the person and their goals.

Emsculpt Consultation at RefinedMD

Deuber has a busy schedule and is committed to building and maintaining a toned body. By supplementing her workout routine and a healthy diet with Emsculpt, she can finally achieve the look she wants. To see the results for yourself, take a look at Deuber’s Instagram @carydeuber. Schedule your consultation for Emsculpt at RefinedMD today and get toned in time for the holidays.