This 50-year-old female presented with concerns related to heavy jowling and neck laxity for which fillers and other non-surgical treatments were just not working appropriately. She was exploring surgical options that would lead to a more definitive correction of her concerns for a longer period of time, and was open to considering a lower facelift as long as she could maintain a natural appearance.
The patient met with Board Certified facial surgeon Dr. Sudeep Roy and chose to move forward with a lower face and neck lift and a partial fat transfer. The procedure was a huge success. She has been transported back in time, given back her original jaw and neckline. A considerable improvement was also achieved in the very heavy marionette folds she originally presented with. Telangiectasias (very small new blood vessels) associated with the healing process from a lower facelift are easily treated with vascular lasers at our clinic, but most improve with time. We could not be happier with this result!
If you like the results you see here, please schedule a consultation with Dr. Roy at our office in Los Gatos, CA.