
Is It Too Early for a Facelift?

Is It Too Early for a Facelift? | RefinedMD, Los Gatos + San Jose

Is It Too Early for a Facelift?

Probably not. We’ve come a long way since the “windswept” look of facelifts seen in the 1990s (and earlier). RefinedMD is home to double board certified Dr. Sudeep Roy, who offers both full facelifts and mini lifts, customizing every surgery to suit the client’s unique features and goals. There is no ideal age for a facelift (or mini lift). Some clients like to depend on non-surgical options like Ultherapy and/or dermal fillers for as long as possible. Others are eager for early intervention, opting for a mini facelift as early as their thirties. The only way to find out if it’s your right time for a facelift is by scheduling a consultation with Dr. Roy.

A “full facelift” and mini facelift are pretty self-explanatory. Full facelifts, or deep plane facelifts, are going to require a longer downtime because they are more invasive and call for more incisions. Mini lifts have a quicker healing time but do not provide such drastic results. Full facelifts last longer (over 10 years in many cases) while mini lifts last 5+ years. Some clients plan a mini lift now, knowing that in their next decade a full facelift might be for them. Planning ahead with a top-rated surgeon is the key to getting the results you want—and maintaining them for life.

Today’s Facelifts

Any reputable surgeon is going to give you a “ponytail facelift” whenever possible. This refers to a lift with no visible incisions. In most cases, incisions can be hidden in the crevices of the ear, though sometimes they must be placed deep inside the hairline. Such a technique ensures you can wear your hair up without revealing the tell-tale incisions of 1990s facelifts.

A full facelift today also addresses much more than just the skin. Simply tightening the skin isn’t enough, and is what caused the fake appearance of facelifts in the past. It is not only the skin that changes with age, but also the underlying structures (including muscles). A full facelift youth-ifies these subdermal structures, trims excess skin, and then expertly redrapes the face for all-natural results.

What to Know About Lifts and Mini Lifts

Both a facelift and mini lift are an invasive surgery that is going to call for downtime. Swelling and bruising is common in the first few days after surgery. It is important to have someone help care for you in the week following the procedure, and the first seven days most patients prefer to recover at home. However, beginning in week two, a lot of patients feel confident enough to go about some daily tasks. Your exact recovery timeline will be unique and determined by your doctor.

In most cases, some light exercises can commence around week 3. Full exercise is usually okayed after 6 – 8 weeks. After one month, you will have a good idea of what the final results will look like. However, it takes up to six months for lifts to “settle” and for you to see the exact end results. It’s worth it, and if you start the journey right now, you’ll be able to show off your facelift by spring break.

Why Now?

Many people choose to spend their winter holidays treating themselves to procedures like a facelift or mini lift. Take advantage of the holidays and overlap your recovery period with days off. For those with two weeks of holiday time, that is plenty of time to complete the initial recovery and wow everyone when you debut the new you in 2023.

Not everyone is a good candidate for a facelift or mini lift. Those taking certain medication (such as blood thinners) and smokers must make modifications first. Never stop any medications without first consulting your prescribing doctor. However, most healthy adults are fit for a facelift or mini lift. If you’ve been thinking about turning back the clock, make this the year it happens. We’ll work with you and your current medical team to ensure the best possible experience—and results. To learn more, schedule a consultation with Dr. Roy today by calling RefinedMD, or complete the online form for the quickest response.