
Skin Cancer / Moles

When cells in the skin grow in a tight cluster instead of being evenly distributed throughout an area, what we call a mole occurs. RefinedMD encourages everyone to opt for annual skin screenings because moles are often the first sign of skin cancer. However, most...

Skin cancer is both the most common type of cancer in the US and it can be the deadliest if not caught in time. A yearly skin exam is the best way to diagnose and treat skin cancer early, and it is a specialty at...

At RefinedMD, we do a lot more than help you tackle under-eye circles and acne (although that’s a big part of the job!). Skin cancer, specifically melanoma, is the most common cancer in the United States. The past thirty years has seen more people diagnosed...

Have you booked your dermatology appointment for the year? Schedule yours at RefinedMD now so you can catch any unusual moles before they get out of hand—and also to manage common summer skin conditions. Acne can really flare up in the warmer months thanks to...