20 Sep Millennials Move from Acne to Melasma
There are over 3,000 unique skin conditions, so it’s nearly guaranteed that millennials are struggling with a few. Now in their 30s and 40s, at RefinedMD we’re seeing an increase in millennials seeking out treatments for a myriad of skin conditions—and we couldn’t be happier. Our skin is the largest organ we have, is vulnerable to the most conditions, and this generation is finally making proper skin care a priority. This means combining medical skin care, or dermatological care, with cosmetic skin care. We offer both in our clinic, providing a meeting point where you can get the treatments and procedures you need for healthy and beautiful skin.
The title of this blog is a bit of a misnomer—we never actually “get over” acne. Acne is triggered by many things, including hormone fluctuations, which is why so many teens have obvious acne. Women in particular are prone to facial acne throughout their lives because after puberty comes (for many women) pregnancy, perimenopause, and menopause. A lot of women also use hormonal birth control throughout their lives. However, by the time you’re in your 30s or 40s you hopefully have your acne under control thanks to skin care professionals (and if not, we can help with that too!). You’ve also likely noticed an increase in hyperpigmentation or sun spots popping up thanks to not applying sunscreen quite as well as you should have in your teens and 20s. But there’s a certain type of hyperpigmentation that might be new to you—melasma. Here’s what it is and what can be done about it.
Melasma: The Most Stubborn Spot
Melasma is the most stubborn kind of hyperpigmentation and mostly occurs in women. It might be brown but it can also be gray, and typically presents as patches rather than spots. The most common places that melasma occurs include the cheeks, chin, bridge of the nose, forehead, and upper lip. You might also see it on the neck, shoulders, and forearms. Melasma is more obvious than other types of hyperpigmentation, such as sun spots, and many people aren’t familiar with it. This means it can cause a serious decline in self-esteem, especially because it doesn’t respond to the same treatments you’re used to. Melasma can be triggered by pregnancy hormones, which has earned it the nickname of “the mask of pregnancy.” However, technically, men and women alike can develop it.
Trends show that millennials are tackling melasma with a veracity unprecedented by previous generations. Two of the best ways to lessen the look of melasma are chemical peels and laser skin rejuvenation. There are also some topicals your skin care provider can prescribe or recommend to help with melasma. Whether you’ve been triggered by pregnancy, age, hormones, sun exposure, or even some OTC skin care products or medications, know that there are options for addressing melasma. Millennials are at an especially high risk because they often have a combination of these common triggers, especially since they are waiting a little longer to get pregnant.
Melasma Magic
Protecting yourself from UV rays is one of the most important steps in preventing and lessening melasma. UV rays naturally trigger a surge in melanin production in order to protect the skin. However, sometimes this can also trigger melasma. If you’re not sure if you have melasma (or something else), see your skin care provider for a correct diagnosis and treatment. Since there are so many kinds of skin conditions, it’s very easy (and dangerous) to try to self-diagnose. Only your provider can help you understand the condition and identify the best ways to reverse unwanted dark spots like melasma.
Some people struggle with melasma their entire lives, oftentimes because they take a DIY approach to the treatment. Most people have melasma for just short periods. Those who get melasma while pregnant often find that it naturally goes away a few weeks or months post-partum. Melasma also has a unique appearance and takes up more skin real estate than its counterparts, which is why you deserve to find a treatment that works fast so you can look and feel your best. For all of your skin concerns, contact RefinedMD for a consult or appointment. Call the clinic during business hours or simply complete the online contact form now.