
Redefining Resurfacing: From Lasers to Lights and More

Redefining Resurfacing: From Lasers to Lights and More | RefinedMD

Redefining Resurfacing: From Lasers to Lights and More

The term laser skin resurfacing or rejuvenation has come to encompass a wide range of treatments—and not all of them are lasers. At RefinedMD, we have a lot of clients curious about “laser skin resurfacing” who are ultimately better suited to other treatments such as a facial, chemical peel, or using ultrasound or radiofrequency technology to achieve their goals. But we get it. Laser skin resurfacing has been a buzz term for so long that it just hasn’t caught up with all of the latest tech and tools available. No matter your skin concerns and issues, we have the right treatment plan to get you where you want to be.

First, let’s consider exactly what the skin is. It’s the biggest organ we have, it’s constantly exposed to damaging conditions from UV rays to pollution, and there are over 3,000 unique skin conditions. There’s also a lot of gray area between medical skin care and cosmetic skin care—where do you draw the line? After all, acne is a very common medical skin condition that often requires professional intervention. It’s so common that a lot of people don’t think about it as a big deal, but acne can leave permanent scarring, pitting, and hyperpigmentation, as well as be painful and can lower self-esteem. This is just one example of a condition that toes the line between medical and cosmetic—and may require both approaches to put it behind you. For instance, a prescription medication to stop and prevent acne coupled with laser or light therapy to vanquish acne scarring and brown spots is a common approach.

Beyond Lasers

Yes, lasers that are “really” lasers are still a great tool to turn back the clock, get rid of skin imperfections, and may even serve as a pre-juvenation tool. We have one of the largest suites of lasers in the area with clients coming from around the country for their treatment. Every laser is different and we are committed to keeping the best lasers for every issue on hand. This includes favorites like Clear + Brilliant for a gentler touch and pre-juvenation, LaseMD to treat sun damage and hyperpigmentation on all skin types, and the Fotona QX Max for tattoo removal. With over 20 lasers, there’s definitely the right tech for you to put those skin woes behind you.

However, tools that look like lasers and even act like them might not be lasers at all. For instance, BBL is actually an energy-based therapy. Broadband light is the latest iteration of IPL and can be used on any skin tone and type to treat a variety of conditions. It’s one of the most-requested lasers because it does a LOT in a short amount of time with little to no downtime. We have gentle lasers so you can get a radiance boost right before a big event and more aggressive lasers for when you really mean business—but we also have options that aren’t even lasers at all!

Radiofrequency and Ultrasound Therapy

We offer Ultherapy and Thermage, two very different types of skin tightening treatments that are often used as an alternative to facelifts or to complement other treatments. Thermage uses radiofrequency (RF) technology to tone and tighten skin on the face, abs, thighs, and around the eye area. A big reason clients choose Thermage over Ultherapy is that it can treat larger areas, so if you’re more concerned with a crepe-like stomach than fine-tuning the delicate mouth area, Thermage might be for you.

Ultherapy uses ultrasound therapy—the same energy that is used for pregnancy ultrasounds—to tighten the face, neck, and chest. As you can see, it treats smaller and often more delicate areas. Ultrasound tech allows your provider to “see” exactly where the energy is being delivered, promising incredible customization. Of course, some clients use both, mixing and maxing their so-called laser skin rejuvenation for a wholly personalized outcome.

Taking Laser Skin Resurfacing to the Next Level

Even peels and expert facials have fallen into the laser skin rejuvenation category. After all, lasers are ultimately a type of exfoliation—and that’s also what professional facials and peels can provide. To learn more about all the types of laser skin rejuvenation at RefinedMD, give us a call today or complete the online form.