
“I don’t feel old, so I don’t want to look old”—Why This British Singer is Considering a Facelift

Why This British Singer is Considering a Facelift | RefinedMD

“I don’t feel old, so I don’t want to look old”—Why This British Singer is Considering a Facelift

Across the pond, Cheryl Baker of the band Buck Fizz recently opened up about considering a facelift at 69 years old. Facelifts and mini facelifts are two of the most popular procedures at RefinedMD, where Dr. Sudeep Roy works with patients to ensure a natural-looking yet dramatic outcome. However, you don’t need to wait until you’re nearing your 70th birthday to enjoy the benefits of a facelift. Your 50s and 60s are prime time for a full facelift while those in their 40s and even 30s can benefit from a mini lift.

Baker previously swore off of cosmetic procedures after what she calls a botched Botox job years prior. She describes that outcome as making her look “disfigured” but, of course, Botox doesn’t last forever. In most cases, Botox results last 3 – 6 months depending on the units used and injection site. However, it is a reminder that even minimally invasive and temporary treatments like Botox can have a subpar outcome if you don’t choose the right injector. It’s always best to get your Botox from a medical clinic where injectors are highly skilled. In fact, Botox and a facelift or mini lift can work quite well together.

Why Get a Facelift?

Baker told the UK’s The Mirror, ‘I wouldn’t mind having just a little bit to improve my skin—that would be nice.” However, she stressed that she certainly didn’t want to “do anything” to her lips, implying that fillers or a lip flip are out of the question. This can be a common concern for someone who had a bad experience with injectables previously. It’s also unfortunate, considering the lips are one of the first places to lose volume. Natural-looking lip fillers (and other dermal fillers) can further reverse the signs of aging. Those who get a facelift, and who are slender or who otherwise have little volume in their face, can find that their face looks hollow post-facelift. Dermal fillers are the best way to correct this.

Baker may also not be aware that while most dermal fillers are made with a synthetic form of hyaluronic acid (HA), non-HA fillers are also available. HA fillers give immediate results and last a few months. Other types of “fillers” work via collagen induction therapy and stimulate collagen induction in the body. Results are slow and steady, providing an even more natural response and longer lasting results.

A Facelift to Turn Back the Clock

“I need to look into it further,” Baker says. “I just want my skin to be tighter.” When she was in her 50s, she was a participant in a TV makeover show. This is when she got the Botox. At first, as per usual, she says there was no difference (which is normal as Botox takes time to start working). However, the next morning she describes her skin looking “sunk down.” She massaged it (which is a big no-no in the injectable world), to no avail, and says she was “scarred for life.”

It’s paramount to carefully follow the aftercare instructions for any cosmetic procedure, surgical or non-surgical. It is rare for a Botox mishap to occur when you work with a trusted injector. Hopefully, should Baker pursue her facelift, she will do her homework and find a certified plastic surgeon who specializes in facial cosmetic surgeries. A proper facelift today not only removes excess skin, but also addresses the underlying tissue. This is what achieves a look that isn’t windswept, but rather organic. The skin, after being trimmed, is then re-draped over the surface. Incisions are small and can be hidden in the crevices of the ear. The scar behind the ear of yesteryear is now rarely used, meaning that with today’s incision placement you can sweep your hair up, wear a ponytail, or wear your hair nearly anyway without worrying about telltale incision scars.

Getting a Facelift

Are you ready to learn more about how a facelift can help you look younger, healthier, and happier? Schedule your consultation with Dr. Roy today. Although technically a facelift can require up to six months to fully recover from, most people feel confident going into social situations just 2 – 4 weeks following a full facelift (and less time for a mini lift). Contact RefinedMD today by calling the office or filling out the online contact form now.