26 Mar Why Don’t We Take Acne Seriously?
The majority of people will experience acne at some point in their lives. It’s one of the top reasons clients visit RefinedMD. However, just because a condition is common and affects the majority of the population doesn’t make it “normal.” Acne is a skin condition that can vary in severity. From the occasional whitehead to cystic acne that causes permanent damage, acne can and should be taken seriously—and there’s no reason to live with it.
There are a lot of misconceptions about acne. For instance, some people think it’s a condition just for teenagers. Although hormone changes can cause acne, including puberty, anyone of any age can suffer from acne. It can be especially common in women during pregnancy and menopause.
Acne Issues
Another common myth is that acne is caused by certain foods, such as pizza or chocolate. The skin is the biggest organ and is affected by diet. A healthy diet is a must for healthy skin, but no particular food “causes” acne. Rather, acne can be caused by bacteria on the skin, not by food choices.
Lack of information on what causes acne as well as it being so common have created a culture where acne is considered a rite of passage, an embarrassment, and just part of life. However, the side effects of acne can be long-lasting. Being teased about acne or bullied because of a skin condition can negatively influence mental health. When acne isn’t taken seriously as a medical condition, the results can be devastating.
Fortunately, there are solutions for all types of acne. Oftentimes, over the counter medications don’t work. Only a dermatologist can prescribe medical-grade solutions that work. These solutions usually have to be tweaked and modified over time. Since acne can be caused and triggered by a variety of factors, treatments need to be flexible. In addition to medications, laser and light therapy, peels, in-office facials, and upgrading your at-home topicals to medical-grade level can all help. There are also treatments for acne scarring.
Why Does Some Acne Hurt?
Most people have struggled with acne, but why do some pimples hurt and others don’t? We specialize in treating all types of acne, and there are various types. You can’t treat all acne the same because it isn’t. Some acne is painful, some can lead to acne scarring, and some is seemingly chronic while other blemishes are a “one and done” affair.
Acne that hurts is more than just a pimple. It is usually caused by inflamed cysts or boils. You might also hear them referred to as simply “large pimples,” but that’s not the correct term. Acne hurts when it’s inflamed, and that inflammation might be on or close to a small nerve ending. The angry nerve endings cause the pain, and pain is telling you that something’s not right. The more painful acne is, the more inflamed it is.
Acne Treatment
If you want immediate relief, pressing a warm compress on the acne can help. However, it’s not going to treat the acne. Over the counter medications may work for very light acne—not the inflamed variety. One of the most common ailments a dermatologist treats is acne, and the sooner you schedule an appointment the sooner you can enjoy pain relief and reduce the risk of scarring.
Acne is often caused by hormone shifts and imbalances, which is why it can happen at any age to anyone. Although it’s stereotypically common in teenagers (because of those hormone changes), it can be a chronic condition that plagues a person throughout life—but that doesn’t need to be the case. Identifying all the factors contributing to your acne is part of putting an end to it. Next, office treatments come into play. Fortunately, your dermatologist has a number of tools at their disposal to help you manage acne.
At RefinedMD, we are committed to helping you get clear, healthy skin and putting a permanent stop to acne. To get started on this journey, get in touch today. Call us during business hours or, for the quickest response, complete the online form now.