17 Oct HA vs. Non-HA Fillers
Dermal fillers and HA fillers are nearly synonymous, but did you know there are non-HA fillers? HA, or hyaluronic acid, naturally occurs in the body and draws water to the area. This means that a synthetic form of HA is ideal for fillers in just about every part of the body. HA fillers are a temporary way to make or restore volume, and they are one of the most popular injectables at RefinedMD. There are many types of HA fillers, even within the same family of injectables (like Juvederm, for example) because every filler is designed slightly differently to work best at key sites. For instance, you’re probably not going to use a HA lip filler on your jawline. HA fillers last on average 6 – 18 months depending on the type of filler, the injection site, and the number of units used.
However, not everyone wants instant results or to depend on HA to get that volume. That’s why we also offer Sculptra, which is technically considered a “filler” even though it actually works via collagen induction therapy. Sculptra can be used on various parts of the face as well as the tops of the hands, but results aren’t immediate. Instead, this injectable encourages the body to produce collagen at the injection site, and that’s going to take time. Some clients consider the more natural approach the most appealing part of Sculptra, but another benefit is that it tends to last longer than HA fillers.
Combining Injectables
Dermal fillers, whether HA or Sculptra, are just part of the injectable field. Perhaps the most well-known injectable is Botox and its competitors. Botox and dermal fillers go hand in hand because they address very different, but often overlapping, signs of aging. It’s common to get both Botox and fillers during the same appointment. Botox works by temporarily freezing the muscles that cause unwanted lines, wrinkles, and creasing. Dermal fillers work by creating volume, and thus a more youthful appearance, and at times this volume can also help to minimize lines.
Botox is also increasingly used off-label for creating a slight arch to the eyebrows or the lip flip. With a lip flip, the appearance of more volume is created in the upper lip rather than actually filling it with HA. Tiny amounts of Botox are injected along the upper lip line, which then “flips” the lip out. It’s most often used to correct a gummy smile. However, given how much the mouth moves, Botox during a lip flip doesn’t last as long as in other places. Three months is the average for a lip flip lifespan.
Double Chin Challenges
A lot of clients have been bringing in photos of Ariana Grande, asking for that chiseled yet feminine jawline. Of course, a lot of men come into the office, too, asking for that more masculine rugged jaw. Fillers can definitely help define and contour the jawline, but if you have a pocket of fat in the submental (under the chin) area, there’s only so much fillers can do. Instead, you may want to combine fillers with Kybella—or you may only need Kybella!
Kybella is made with a form of synthetic deoxycholic acid, which is the body’s natural fat burner. It is injected with a “stamp” device so that several injections take place at once. This makes the appointment fast and as comfortable as possible. A series of sessions, typically 4 – 6, are necessary for optimal results. This is because you don’t want to burn away too much fat in this area (but don’t worry, you’ll see some results after the first appointment, too). People who are fit and slender can struggle with double chins, as can those who are overweight, so weight doesn’t necessarily have anything to do with this troublesome issue. But Kybella can help, with no downtime needed.
Find out more about our injectables and book your consult or appointment today. Let’s work together to create a customized game plan to try and achieve your goals by the new year. Contact RefinedMD by calling the office during business hours or filling out the online contact form now.