
Male vs. Female Facelifts and Mini Lifts

Male vs. Female Facelifts and Mini Lifts | RefinedMD, Los Gatos

Male vs. Female Facelifts and Mini Lifts

Every facelift, no matter the patient’s gender, should be customized just for them, their facial structure, and their goals. This is exactly what’s offered at RefinedMD, where you can enjoy state-of-the-art procedures and treatments, both surgical and non-surgical. Men’s faces are inherently different than women’s in many ways, which is why a one-size-fits-all facelift just doesn’t “fit.” Although every facelift (should be) customized, the primary goals of a male facelift is usually to sharpen the chin and jawline while contouring the neck. A necklift is included in every facelift except in rare circumstances and is considered “part” of a facelift (not a separate procedure). In some rare cases, a patient might be a good fit for just a necklift without a facelift.

The goals for a female facelift are usually different, although some do want to better define their jawline as well. A softening of the jawline and chin is common with age and can make a person look older and heavier than they are. However, for most women, the primary goal of a facelift is to address the lower half of the face, particularly the nasolabial folds. Women are also more likely to opt for complementary non-surgical procedures along with a facelift, like cheek fillers. For those who are slender or lack fat in the face, you may find that the face looks hollow or too gaunt after a facelift—this is where options like fillers and collagen induction therapy can be very helpful.

Today’s Facelift

There are many techniques, sometimes referred to as facelift procedures, available today. This isn’t your mom’s or grandmother’s facelift where the outcome looked fake and pulled. This happened because, many years ago, surgeons would simply address the skin on the face and neck rather than the underlying tissue. Although excess skin is still trimmed away, it is a very small amount. Instead, the popular deep plane facelifts also address the muscle and fat below the surface. Once this is “fixed,” the trimmed skin is re-draped over the surface.

Even though today’s facelifts are much more invasive, many patients are pleasantly surprised by the quick healing times. Swelling, bruising, and redness are to be expected right after surgery. However, incisions can usually be hidden in the crevices of the ear or well inside the hairline. The “ponytail facelift” is the norm today, which refers to being able to pull up your hair into a ponytail without seeing a telltale scar. Although a facelift can take up to six months to fully heal, most people feel confident to go about much of their daily life about 2 – 3 weeks post-surgery.

Facelift Recovery

Your exact recovery timeline will be set by your surgeon. This includes returning to exercise, which can usually commence after a couple of weeks for light activities like walking. Four to six weeks is the usual wait-time for cardio like running. Abiding by your recovery plan is essential not only for faster healing but for the best results. During this period, you may be able to add on non-surgical treatments that can also optimize your results. In most cases, clients should plan to take 1 – 2 weeks off of work for the initial rest and recovery.

Increasingly, more and more men are getting all kinds of plastic surgery including facelifts. This is more common in some areas and industries, such as the tech world in the Bay Area. Just like with women, men are noticing that those who are perceived to be younger and in better shape have more opportunities socially and professionally. A full facelift can help a person look 10+ years younger while a mini lift can turn back the clock about 3 – 5 years. Mini lifts can be a good choice for those in their 40s or even 30s who are starting to see the signs of aging but aren’t quite ready for a full lift. Part of the benefits of a mini lift is that it is less invasive, requires fewer incisions, and heals faster than a full lift. It can also help to delay a full lift by several years.

The most important decision you can make about any cosmetic surgery is who you trust with your procedure. Our board-certified plastic surgeon is committed to helping you get the experience and outcome you deserve. Contact RefinedMD today for a consultation—call the office during business hours or fill out the online contact form now.