
What Dermal Fillers are Available at RefinedMD?

What Dermal Fillers are Available at RefinedMD?

If you’ve started researching the different kinds of dermal fillers available, you’ve probably found that there are a lot. But, how do you know which is best for you? At RefinedMD, only the most effective and safest dermal fillers are offered from the makers you know and trust. This includes Juvederm, Restylane, Radiesse, Revanesse Versa, and Sculptra. All dermal fillers except Sculptra use hyaluronic acid (HA), which naturally occurs in the body.

Sculptra is different because it uses poly-L-lactic acid, which also occurs in the body. You don’t get immediate results with Sculptra because instead of “filling” the area, it works by encouraging natural collagen production at the injection point. Results reveal themselves in the days and weeks following the treatment. Sculptra lasts the longest of any dermal filler at up to two years, making it a great option for those wanting truly natural results that last—or who just don’t have the time to stick to biannual maintenance sessions, which are required with many HA fillers.

Exploring HA Dermal Fillers

Are you more interested in immediate results from HA? There’s plenty to choose from at RefinedMD. Juvederm dermal fillers include Ultra XC, Ultra Plus XC, Volbella XC, Vollure XC, and Voluma XC. Each of these dermal fillers are designed for different parts of the face and body, and can last different amounts of time so you and your provider can create a customized approach.

Juvederm Ultra XC and Volbella XC are great for the lips, while XC is ideal for the cheeks. Restylane Lyft can be used in the face or tops of the hands, Restylane Defyne smooths deep laugh lines (also called marionette lines or nasolabial folds), and Restylane Refyne softens laugh lines in a more subtle way that lets you maintain a more natural appearance. Radiesse offers a complete solution to restore lost volume and structure by immediately providing volume while simultaneously encouraging collagen growth as the product is absorbed by the body and starts to metabolize the CaHA microspheres. Revanesse Versa is unique because this HA filler treats moderate to severe wrinkles with a proprietary process that produces superior particle uniformity.

Volbella for Fuller Lips

Having a perfect pout is within reach thanks to Volbella, the injectable designed just to plump lips. With expert precision you can customize your lips to be plumper and fuller, whether via Volbella or another option. Made by Juvederm, Volbella is a dermal filler that can correct lipstick lines and offers a semi-permanent solution for adults.

However, compared to many other injectables on the market, Volbella can last much longer. Averaging 12 months, you can enjoy fuller, more luscious lips immediately. As a gel, the results of a Volbella session occur instantly. This makes it a fantastic solution for anyone looking for quick updates to their look (however, some swelling may occur so avoid scheduling a Volbella session on the day of a major event).

Not only does Volbella plump lips, but by filling in those lipstick lines it allows for smoother makeup application. If you’ve struggled with finding a lipstick that doesn’t crease, Volbella can be a game changer. Flawless lipstick application requires lips to be as smooth as possible. By reducing or eliminating those lines, you can avoid lipstick that runs or appears cracked.

Pump Up the Pout

For many people, having that celebrity pout is a must. However, few people are born with the kind of perfect pout that’s so desirable. Fortunately, it is now fast, easy, and affordable to shape and plump lips in a 30-minute session. Many Volbella clients return every year for a maintenance session.

Volbella is just one of the many popular injectables offered at reputable dermatologists. It can be a great complement to other Juvéderm options such as Voluma to restore lost volume in the cheeks. Injectables are proven to be both safe and effective with minimal side effects or down time.

Fuller lips mean you look younger and healthier. Stop trying makeup tricks to fake a bigger pout when the real thing is within reach. Contact RefinedMD today via phone or the contact form to take the next step on your dermal filler journey.