There are a lot of myths about acne, like the fact that it’s a “teenage affliction.” RefinedMD is committed to helping you keep your acne in check while providing plenty of treatment options to get rid of those acne scars for good. Summer is peak...

A bevy of Real Housewives have touted CoolSculpting as their go-to beauty treatment, and the latest reality star to sing the praises of the non-invasive body sculpting treatment is Robyn Dixon. CoolSculpting is a fast, effective means of permanently* freezing away fat so that it’s...

There’s a reason Dermalinfusion quickly became one of the most requested treatments at RefinedMD. It combines all the best treatments in one ultra-luxurious procedure that exfoliates the skin and extracts debris from clogged pores before applying a luscious combination of serums to the skin designed...

Everyone wants their next aesthetic treatment to be “worth it,” and now you can sculpt your booty and abs with confidence thanks to Emsculpt. The amazing results have secured this treatment a spot on the RealSelf 2019 “Worth It” list. It is a top treatment...

Rosacea is not dangerous, but it can certainly be frustrating. Fortunately, RefinedMD offers a number of treatments that address facial redness, as well as special skin cleansing and toning products specifically designed to soothe rosacea flare-ups. Knowing your triggers and the right products for your...

Have you been avoiding going swimming or wearing your favorite summer outfits because your “oops-tattoo” shows? RefinedMD offers tattoo removal services, including a special July rate of buy six, get two free. However, every tattoo is different and the number of sessions needed will depend...

Everyone is buzzing about Jeuveau, some of them calling it the best thing since Botox. It’s the latest addition to the RefinedMD suite of treatments, and for those in their 20s and 30s, Jeuveau is a Botox alternative that’s in high demand. It’s only been...