
If you’ve been thinking about a San Jose facelift with Dr. Sudeep Roy, you’re probably wondering if you’re at the “right age” for a facelift. RefinedMD is a revered plastic surgery clinic for facelifts, and has treated adult patients of nearly every age. More important...

Although a “facelift” in San Jose is a well-known procedure, a lot of people aren’t exactly sure what it entails. That’s why Dr. Sudeep Roy at RefinedMD works closely with every patient to help them understand their exact desires and goals before creating a customized...

Have you ever wondered exactly which procedures facial plastic surgeon Dr. Sudeep Roy performs? RefinedMD combines the best in facial cosmetic surgery with aesthetic treatments, so you can enjoy a one-stop experience where facelifts meet DermalInfusion and brow lifts are complemented with chemical peels. The Treatments...