
Fat Reduction

Recently, Bustle published an op-ed piece on the many reasons you should love your double chin. We’re all about loving yourself at RefinedMD, and that’s why we offer so many treatments to help your confidence soar. Double chins plague men and women of all sizes,...

You no longer have to “just deal” with a double chin or undergo surgery to remove it. RefinedMD only offers the best, safest, and most effective treatments to remove that double chin for good, and that includes both Kybella and CoolMini. Why offer two treatments...

If you’re like most people, you’ve learned the hard way that diet and exercise can only do so much. That’s why RefinedMD offers three key ways to contour, sculpt, and shape your body using non-invasive, non-surgical approaches. From CoolSculpting and Vanquish to Emsculpt, you’re now...